Ch.12 The Rise of the Great Devourer (Edited)

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

   I open my eyes, only to be greeted by nature. Again, huh? These 'dreams' are really starting to get old—like you, father. I look around at the...calming trees? Wait, this is different. It doesn't seem like anything has that eerie, wariness it would usually emit. Weird...

   Maybe this is going to be one of those plot-twisting 'dreams'. I don't want to call these moments 'dreams' since they clearly are not, but I can't find the right word for it.

I continue to take in the new scenery in front of me: the vibrant trees, swaying softly; the resonating bushes, gently glowing under the lightly covered sunlight; light blue being shared across the bright, clear sky; and just...everything is very peaceful. Looking around has also made me realize that the island doesn't seem to have those gigantic rocks as all the other times did. Does that mean the island is back to the way I remember it to be?

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. I turn around, recognizing my surroundings. Hold up, hold up, hold up. If things are back to the way I find as normal—well, as normal as it can get—since I grew up when the island was like this, does that mean my old home, too? Is my stuff going to be okay? I quickly move my legs to go bolt over to my old, little hideaway from one of my terrible guardians. My heart pounds as I run pass the lively trees, over the dancing grass, and through the fresh air of Febreze.

Febreze? Where did I get that from? Welp, it's a new word for me, now. I created this word, now it's mineFebreze^TM. Do not steal. (A/N: Issa joke, I own nothing about Febreze nor do I grab any credit for. But I do own a can XD)

   My mind thirsts for the refreshments of my memories within ancient papyrus, whether it be rolled up into a scroll or folded into a book. I just want to be able to read them again without having to be distracted of the faint feeling of calamity. As I continue to run towards my destination, I almost pass it. I thought that it was because I had so much going through my mind, but when I get a closet look at the symbol, I realize that it's different! But...why? It looks like the previous symbol that was on it before I claimed it as my own.

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have taken property that wasn't mine, but it seemed like no one was in there in a while, so...finders keepers. Nonetheless, this makes me concerned. It doesn't seem like my father found this place or else he would have either left it alone to threaten me about it when I arrive back inside or did something vicious to the symbol then threaten me when I find it. Either way, I'm still getting some sort of punishment. Thinking of this, it seems like the first option might be it if my father did actually find it. Kind of surprised he hasn't after all these years, honestly.

I shiver slightly and hugging myself, thinking of all the possibilities of what he would do to me. I don't understand why I'm so afraid of him finding my old home, but I just am. There's just something about it but I can't put my finger on it. Uh...the outskirts that surrounds the hideout seems different, too. There's not as much tree branches, leaves, and grass covering it up, anymore.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I close my eyes in frustration. This is so oddEVERYTHING ABOUT THESE DREAMS ARE ODD! I feel like I'm going to loose my mind!!

   Wow, the time I'm going crazy is the time when everything is calm. Amazing. Uh, n-note the sarcasm.

   I shake my head when I realize that I'm just standing here like my question of where babies come from is being ignored again. I know I'm going all over the place about the birth of babies, but it can't be that bad, can it? I shake my head lightly, remembering how Jay reacted to the question and chuckle a little.

(DISCONTINUED) The Girl Who Didn't Belong (Lloyd x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now