Ch.15 Pirates VS Ninjas

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(A/N): The way I draw Lloyd went from weird to feminine— I need to change the way I draw his hairrrrrrrr.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Kai is training Lloyd while Zane is training me. Kai is making Lloyd punch into some baking gloves. Lloyd continues making up moves as he punches. Zane is making me punch and kick into the pillow he has on his chest and stomach. I, of course, do not go full out because that might break his poor hardware and all those fancy gears.

"Fists of Fury!" says Lloyd as he punches. "You can't even see a move, I'm so fast!"

"Woah," I exclaim jokingly as I stare at him while punching into the pillow, "it's like his arm disappeared!"

"Save the gloating," Kai chuckles. "It can only be used against you by your enemies."

Okay, huge point right there. I love it when the person who's cocky loses after repeatedly saying how they'll win in the most annoyingly prideful way.

"Oh please, I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me!" says Lloyd as he jumps into a kick that knocks back Kai.

"Woah, grasshopper," he says, his arms our in front of him, "you're not even ready to face my pinky toe."

"Just wait until I whip out the same box that defeated all your toes when Jay dropped it," I whisper in fake determination, making Zane chuckle silently.

Sensei takes a sip of his tea, "I see the students have become the teacher. You both will learn fast with lessons from the four ninjas."

   "Great," says Cole. "Now that that lesson's over, how 'bout some target practice...on Kai!"

   Kai, who was wearing a smile, suddenly becomes pale at the mention of him being the target.

   "You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya."

   "Aw! But when will I learn Spinjitsu?" Lloyd complains. I nod in agreement.

   "Ah, patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found."

   Lloyd sighs in disappointment. I'm a little disappointed, too, but I guess I can wait. He walks out of the room and I follow behind.

   "Huh, sound familiar?" asks Cole.

   "I wasn't that whiny," Kai defends himself.

   You're right. You were worse.

   "AHH! OOF!!" I laugh out loud. "DONE BEEN ROASTED SUNNY SIDE UP, MY BOY!"

   That's when I actually leave the room, but not before hearing everyone chuckle at my sudden comment. We walk over to the roof tops and meet up with Nya. She explains the things we need to know about dragons and the Ultra Dragon, too. I already know a lot about dragons, but learning about the Ultra Dragon is cool, too.

"Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon," says Nya. "But it's important to take care of him because one day he'll be yours—both of yours."

   Lloyd gasps in excitement, "Ours? Really?"

   Do I really need a dragon?

   Well, actually, I kind of do. At least until I figure out how my wings actually work, or if I'll get my wings back again.

   "Sure. The elemental dragons were loyal to the four ninja, but Ultra Dragon, he's meant for the legendary ninja to ride."

   "Woah! I never knew that!"

(DISCONTINUED) The Girl Who Didn't Belong (Lloyd x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now