Chapter 9

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School was finally over. 

"Let's go, Punzie! It's time for tryouts!" Jack said, tossing his bag over his shoulder. 

"Don't worry. I'm right behind you," Punzie responded, following after him. He and Punzie has their last class together, so when school was finally over they raced out of the classroom together and flew down the corridors until they reached the quidditch field. Merida and Hiccup were already there because their class was closer to the quidditch field. When they saw each other, Merida stuck her tongue out at Jack and turned away from them. Hiccup politely waved at them, though, shrugging apologetically. 

"Are you guys still fighting? You guys should just make up already," Punzie said, after Jack had also turned away in annoyance at her. 

"I'm not going to apologize. I did the logical thing in that situation. If anything she should apologize to me," Jack explained. Although he felt a little guilty, not guilty enough to stand down and apologize, especially now that she was acting like a stubborn child. 

"She was just upset because you didn't stick up for her. She's your friend. You're supposed to stick up for your friends," Punzie said.

"Yeah, but you don't know what some of the older students would do to me. Older students love to bully us younger students. You just don't know it because your in Hufflepuff and all those kids are nicer than in my house," Jack said. 

"I suppose I don't know. But, she's still your friend. Do you really want to throw away your friendship over your a silly little fight?" Punzie asked. Jack thought about it for a moment. 

"No, I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not going to apologize for nothing. Besides, we weren't even that good of friends," Jack said. Punzie sighed. Maybe after they both cooled down, they might be able to reconcile their friendship.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was talking to Merida. 

"You guys are still fighting. Why don't you just apologize to him already," Hiccup said. 

"Don't make me laugh! There's no way I'm apologizing to that coward!" Merida snorted. 

"C'mon. He did the most logical thing. You know you can let your temper get a little out of control sometimes," Hiccup said. 

"So? It's not like I was going to fight him. I was just going to yell a bit," Merida said. 

"Besides, my tempers not that bad," Merida added, defensively. 

"Really? Then why don't you apologize to Jack, because it seems like only your anger is getting in the way?" Hiccup said. 

"That's not fair! You know he should have stuck up for me!" Merida protested. 

"You're right. This isn't even my problem and therefore I shouldn't be trying to give you advice if you don't want it. Just do what you want," Hiccup said. 

"I will," Merida said. She stomped away, to where the Gryffindors were standing. 

"Hey! Merida. I didn't know you were trying out for quidditch!" Astrid's voice sounded out behind Merida.

"Aye. Of course I am," Merida said. 

"Cool. What position are you trying out for?" Astrid asked. 

"Beater," Merida responded. 

"Good. I wouldn't want to have you as competition for being a chaser," Astrid said. 

"Nor I you," Merida said. 

"Okay! There are only two positions open the team. Beater and chaser. People who want to be a chaser to the left. People who want to be a beater to the right," the team captain, a 6th year named Alastair said in an Australian accent. Merida went to the right. The chasers went first. 

"You all are going to do a test run. It's simple. You're going to race with the other try outs and the team will throw balls at you. Whoever comes in first and holding at least one ball wins," Alistair said. 

"I bet he likes holding balls," somebody whispered and snickers went through the crowd. Alastair looked annoyed but didn't do anything. 

"Get on your brooms and line up," he said. Then, he flew up with his fellow team members to each side of the course. Then, the try outs started flying. They flew around the course and the team threw quaffels at them. Alistair threw one quaffel at the kid who'd made the earlier comment. It hit him in the head and the kid got confused, going into last place in the process. Alistair smirked. Then, their race finished. Astrid made it through first. 

"Congrats, mate. You're on the team," Alistair said. Astrid smiled with delight and all the other tryouts flew to the ground, disappointed. 

"Ok! Now for the beaters! We'll be letting out 2 bludgers and you will have to hit them towards us. The first person who manages to hit one of the chasers wins," Alistair said. Then, the trainees and the chasers, not including Astrid flew up into the sky. Then, the bludgers were released. The chasers darted around, dodging the bludgers attacks. Then, one flew towards Merida and she saw her chance. With all her might, she hit it. It went soaring through the air, straight into another trainees face. They tumbled from the sky. 

"Crap!" Merida said. She flew down from the sky on her broom and went next to the kid. Alistair flew down too. He kneeled down next to the kid and inspected where he got hit. Then, he said a quick healing spell and sent him on his way. 

"Is that boy going to be ok?" Merida asked nervously.

"He'll be fine. That's a good arm you have their," Alistair said. 

"Thanks, I guess. But, I feel so bad for hitting him in the face," Merida said. 

"Don't be. That just earned you a spot on the team," Alistair said. 

"Really?" Merida's face brightened up. Alistair nodded. Merida's face broke out into a huge smile. Then, Alistair sent all the other trainees packing. 

"Congratulations you two. You are now a part of the best quidditch team in Hogwarts," Alistair said to Merida and Astrid. 

"We'll go over train schedules and everything tomorrow. For now though, other houses want to get through their try outs, too," Alistair said. Then, everybody went back. Merida, however, stayed to see her friends. Punzie excelled in being a chaser and Hiccup seemed to have the reflexes of a god, or at least of somebody who played too many games, making them both get on their respective teams. Then, when Jack went, she booed him until Hiccup and Punzie told her to shut up. Merida huffed, but obliged. However, when Jack became their new seeker, Merida just decided to leave the quidditch field then. Jack saw her leave and for a second his happy smile dropped, but then it resumed. 

"We have to get them to reconcile their friendship," Punzie said. Hiccup shrugged. 

"I think we should just let them work it out themselves," Hiccup said. 

"Are you sure? They're both so stubborn. They might never make up," Punzie said. 

"They have to do it themselves. It's not our job to help them. If they can't put their pride aside to make up, then should they really be friends?" Hiccup asked. 

"I suppose so," Punzie sighed. She and Hiccup went back inside and went back to the Ravenclaw common room to play games with Violet and Hiro.

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