Chapter 2

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Hiccup stood at the platform along with Astrid, Fishlegs, the twins, Snotlout, their parents and his father. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll do great, son," Stoic said. 

"I hope so," Hiccup said. 

"You will. I'm sure you'll be in Gryffindor jus like me. It's a house full of brave and loyal people. Anybody should be proud to be in that house. I sure was," Stoic said, proudly. 

"Well, I mean what about the other houses?" Hiccup asked. While he was loyal and could be brave, he didn't really feel like that was his personality. 

"The other houses?" Stoic laughed, "The Hufflepuffs have no real value except being "nice", the Ravenclaws are nerds, and the Slytherins are evil". 

"Great. I'll try my best to be a Gryffindor," Hiccup said, weakly.

"Don't worry. You come from a long line of Gryffindors. It's in your blood," Stoic said. 

"Was my mother a Gryffindor?" Hiccup asked. 

"Actually, she was a Ravenclaw. But, you weren't raised by her, you were raised by me," Stoic said. Hiccup nodded weakly. He hoped he would be in Gryffindor. Maybe make his father proud for once. 

"Well, go get on the train. And remember to learn as much about dragons and how to beat them as possible," Stoic said. Hiccup nodded. His village was at war with dragons. He grabbed his stuff and lugged it onto the train with him. The others had already gotten onto the train. When he reached their compartment, all the seats were already taken. 

"Sorry, Hiccup. The booth is only so big," Astrid said, apologetically. Hiccup nodded. While Astrid sounded sincere, he never really knew with her.

"We'll sit together on the way back though," Fishlegs said and Hiccup closed the door. He kept walking, but all the compartments were either full or the people inside looked unwelcoming. He was nearing near the back when he saw one compartment with only three people sitting in it. And they looked rather harmless and around his age. 

"Hey. Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asked. 

"Of course not. The more the merrier," the blond said, while the other two nodded. Hiccup put his luggage away and then joined them.

"Hi, I'm Rapunzel, but you can call me Punzie," the blond girl said. 

"I'm Merida," the other girl, the one with the curly red hair, said. She had a thick Scottish accent. 

"And I'm Jack," the boy said. He had brown hair and brown eyes and looked even more average than Hiccup. 

"I'm Hiccup,"  Hiccup said. They stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. 

"Hiccup! What a stupid name!" 

"Who the hell names their kid after a verb?" After more laughing and jabs at Hiccups name, they finally managed to calm down. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Are you a first year?" Punzie asked. Hiccup nodded. 

"Cool. So are we. I'm so excited to go. My mother says it's a wonderful place," Punzie said. Jack nodded in agreement. 

"So, what kind of wands did you guys get?" Punzie asked, pulling out her wand. Everybody else pulled out their wands.

"I have a 10 inch alder wood wand with a unicorn hair center," Punzie said, ogling the other wands. She loved and was fascinated by the wands. 

"I have a 14 inch sycamore wood wand with a Veela hair from my grandma as a wand core," Jack said. 

"Wait, you're Grandma was a Veela?" Hiccup asked. 

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