Chapter 10

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A few nights later, Hiccup went up to his room to go to sleep. However, his roommates Ferb and Buddy were building some strange contraption. 

"What are you guys building?" Hiccup asked. 

"We're trying to build a device that can raise dead people," Ferb said. 

"You're trying to create zombies? Why?" Hiccup asked. 

"Yeah, I don't really see why either. We already have Goop," Buddy said, pointing at Goop, who's eyes had dark bags under them. 

"It's only because you guys keep staying up every night and inventing stuff. I can't go to sleep with all the noise you guys keep making with your failed experiments," Goop complained. 

"Dang, dude. Not all of our experiments were failures. Also, maybe you should get noise canceling head phones to cancel out the noise we're making," Buddy said. 

"I don't have the money for that," Goop said, yawning. 

"Sorry for the noise. We'll try to do less experiments at night," Ferb said, starting to pack up his things. Buddy glanced between both of them. 

"Fine," he sighed, packing up his things, too. Then, the four of them all went to bed. Before long, everybody was asleep except Hiccup because of Goop's snoring. He was just about to nod off, when he heard a scream. He shot up in his bed and looked to see if any of his roommates had heard anything. They were still sleeping and snoring softly. Hiccup listened to the silence, straining to hear another scream. Then, he heard another scream, only this one was louder. Then,  his other roommates woke up. They all sat up and Goop rubbed his eyes. 

"What's going on?" Buddy asked. 

"Did somebody just scream?" Goop asked. Hiccup nodded, fear creeping into him. 

"We have to go check it out," Buddy said. 

"No way! What if there's a murderer or something and when we go see what's happening, they see us and kill us along with whoever screamed," Goop said. 

"Well, if it is a murderer, we should go help whoever just screamed. It's the right thing to do," Hiccup said. Everybody shared a nervous look. Then, Ferb got up and went and opened the door. He turned back to his roommates. 

"Well, are you coming?" he asked. 

"I am," Hiccup said, getting out of bed and grabbing his wand. 

"Me too," Buddy said, following suit. 

"Fine, I guess I'll go too," Goop said. The four of them snuck out of their room and closed their door as quietly as possible. They snuck down the corridor in a single file line. Suddenly, Hiccup heard a sound that sounded like a person and stopped. Buddy ran into him, and then Goop ran into Buddy. Ferb just shook his head at them. The four of them peered around the corner, only to come face to face with two other people. Hiccup let out a small shriek and Buddy, Goop, and one of the ones they just saw screamed in shock. 

"Shut up!"the other one said, clamping his hand over his companions mouth. Hiccups eyes finally adjusted and he saw that it was just Hiro and his older brother, Tadashi. 

"Phew. It's just you guys," Hiccup said. 

"Were you guys investigating the screams, too?" Tadashi asked. They nodded. 

"Well, you should go back to bed now. I've got this," Tadashi said.

"No. I want to see what's going on!" Buddy said. 

"You're all too young. I'm a senior and a head boy. I can handle this," Tadashi said. Buddy was about to argue back when they heard another scream. 

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