Chapter 11

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"Mother?" Punzie asked. She was standing on a stone floor, surrounded by blackness. Her mother was standing in front of her.

"Hello, dear. How are you enjoying Hogwarts?" she asked.

"Oh, it's so much fun! Thanks for letting me go," Punzie said. Suddenly, two hands reached out of the darkness and grabbed her mother. One of the hands held a knife against her mother's throat. Her mother looked at Punzie.

"Rapunzel! Please, save me!" her mother said, desperately. Punzie looked around for something to use as a weapon, for her wand was nowhere to be found. She laid eyes on a gun. She picked it up.

"Get away from my mother!" she said, pointing the gun at the attacker, her hands shaking badly. The attacker laughed.

"Look at this scared little girl. Your hands are shaking so badly, I wouldn't be surprised if you hit your mother instead," he said in a raspy voice.

"Go ahead, kill me. I'll give you 3 seconds. I bet you won't," he said.


"Rapunzel! Please!" her mother pleaded, with fear and desperation in her eyes. Punzie's hands only shook more.


"I'm going to die! And you can't change that. Don't you want to?"

"1..." And then, slice! The attacker slit her mother throat and a river of blood ran from the wound on her neck. The attacker let go of her mother, and her lifeless figure slumped on the ground.

"I knew you couldn't do it. You're such a spineless girl," the attacker laughed and disappeared. Punzie started to sob.

Punzie shot up from her bed. Her face wet with tears. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve. This was the third time she'd had a nightmare this week. What was wrong with her?

Over the next few weeks, more occurrences like that kept on happening. It happened to a boy in Slytherin, and a boy and girl in Hufflepuff. The only house that hadn't been affected was Gryffindor. Soon, students were worried about going to asleep. Especially after all of the nightmares the students had described happening.

"People's nightmares seem to be about their fears, only multiplied by 1,000," Hiccup said. He was talking with his fellow people from Berk.

"I'm sure it's nothing! Only the babies are getting nightmares," Snotlout said.

"I know for sure that it won't happen to me," Snotlout boasted.

"I don't know. It's happened to some pretty brave people," Hiccup said, thinking of Violet.

"Tch. You're just being a scaredy cat," Snotlout said.

"Well, I know it won't happen to me," Tuffnut said.

"Me neither. I'm too brave!" Ruffnut said.

"No, you two are just too stupid to have any fears," Astrid said.

"Right! See, sis. I've been saying that the whole time. That's why we should have been in Gryffindor," Tuffnut said.

"Well, I wish you'd told me. I told the hat I wanted to be in Slytherin!" Ruffnut said, throwing her arms in the air, exasperated.

The Big Four at Hogwarts: Years 1 & 2 Nightmare Land Where stories live. Discover now