Chapter 3

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Hiccup, Jack, Merida and Punzie stood in a group with all of the other first years. Behind them were four tables, each of a different color and in front of them was an old wooden stool with a hat on it. 

"When I call your name come up here and sit on the chair. Then, the hat will sort you into your house," Professor Philoctetes, a short goat man said. He pulled out a piece of parchment. 

"Aladdin Alibaba?" he said. A scrawny boy wearing a cap stepped up. The hat was placed on his head, over the cap. They waited for several minutes before the hat shouted out Slytherin! Then, the students went through. Soon, it was to Punzie. 

"Rapunzel Crane (she's still with Gothel so it would make since fore her to have a different last name)," Professor Philoctetes said. Punzie walked up to the stage. She was feeling a little nervous. The hat was placed on her head. 

"Hmm, you have a very kind heart and you are a very hard worker. I must say, HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted. The people at the table of yellow and black stood up and cheered. Punzie ran over to them. Soon, Merida was called up. The hat barely touched her head before it shouted Gryffindor. Punzie clapped and smiled, but she was sad that she wasn't in her house. Maybe Jack or Hiccup would be. Next came Jack. He sat on the stool. 

"Hmm, you are very cunning. You'd work well in Slytherin, but you also seem to be quite courageous like a Gryffindor," the hat said. 

"Please Slytherin. Please Slytherin," Jack said. Red didn't really go very well with his pale complexion. He looked better in green. 

"Ah, worrying about how you look. Then you shall be a SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled. Jack stood up and walked over to the table. Finally, it was Hiccups turn. 

"Hiccup Haddock!" Hiccup went and sat on the stool. He studied his hands, too afraid to look out at the sea of faces. 

"I see that you want to be in Gryffindor? It could certainly build you courage," the hat said. 

"Yes. It could be something I don't disappoint my father in," Hiccup said. 

"While I take that into consideration. Although, you have a very good head on your shoulders which is why you must be a RAVENCLAW!" the hat yelled. Hiccup stood up and walked to his table. A Racenclaw! What would his dad say? Maybe he could pretend to be a Gryffindor? He sat down next to somebody with long blond hair who was fast asleep. 

"And now," the headmaster, a fat man with a Russian accent said,"let the feast begin!" Suddenly, the tables were full of food. Soon, everybody was eating and chatting. Yet, Hiccup just sat there quietly. He knew Punzie and Jack would make conversation with the person next to them and Merida wouldn't care. Instead, Hiccup decided just to stuff his face with food. 

"First year. You should try the roasted unicorn. It's really good," the blond girl next to him said, just waking up and putting food on her plate. 

"Okay," Hiccup said, reluctantly taking a piece of unicorn meat. He bit into it and delicious flavors flooded his mouth. 

"It's good, right?" the girl said, taking in his reactions. Hiccup nodded. 

"I'm Aurora, by the way. I'm a third year," the blond girl said. 

"Hey. Your one of those Viking kids aren't you?" a boy across the table from him said. 

"Ya," Hiccup said. 

"Wow. So you're part of a 21st century Viking clan. That's pretty cool," he said. 

"I mean, not really," Hiccup said. 

"I thought it was you. You stuck out like a sore thumb. All scrawny and stuff," he said. 

"Gee thanks," Hiccup said, sarcastically. 

"Sorry. I'm Hiro, by the way," the boy said. 

"I'm... Hiccup," Hiccup sighed. 

"Hiccup!" Hiro burst out laughing and Aurora giggled. 

"I always knew Vikings had strange names, but Hiccup is just a-" 

"A verb! I know, people keep telling me that," Hiccup grumbled. 

"Sorry. Your name is just so ridiculous," Aurora said. Hiccup nodded. He knew he wasn't even close to done with all the crap he was going to be getting for his name.

Punzie sat at the table, nervously. She had been separated from her friends. She turned to the person next to her, a boy with black hair. 

"Hi. I'm Rapunzel. I'm new here," she said, hoping she didn't sound too weird. 

"Hi. I'm Wilbur. It's my second year here," he said. 

"Cool. Do you like the school?" she asked. 

"It's great. The school is huge. My friends and I play hide and seek all the time in the castle," he said. 

"Oh great. Who are your friends?" she asked. 

"There's Hiro and Violet. They're Racenclaws. And then there is Penny whose a Gryffindor," Wilbur said. 

"So, you can keep up friendships with people in other houses?" Punzie asked, hopefully. 

"Of course. Granted, this is only my second year so I have no idea," Wilbur admitted. Punzie hoped that the four of them could stick together the way those four had.

Soon, the feast was over. The prefects directed the students to there common rooms and told them the password for their respective common room. Merida's was Golden Finch. She headed up to her room. She shared the room with three other girls, one being Astrid who had come from the same village as Hiccup. 

"That feast was delicious!" Merida said, patting her stomach as she laid back on her bed. 

"Yes. It seemed to have everything," the girl with black hair said. 

"I'm Merida, by the way," Merida said. 

"I'm Mulan," the girl with black hair responded. 

"Meg," the girl with brown hair said. 

"And I'm Ast-" 

"Astrid. I know. You're from the same village as Hiccup," Merid interrupted. 

"Hiccup!? What mean soul cursed him with that name," Meg cut in, a bit snarkily. 

"It's supposed to scare away trolls," Astrid said in his defense. 

"Really? Who would be scared off Hiccup? Also, what about you're name, Astrid?" Meg asked. 

"Well, uh. You're just not a part of the clan. You wouldn't understand," Astrid said, defensively. 

"Will you guys be quiet. I'm trying to sleep," Mulan said. 

"Sorry," Astrid said and they all went to bed. Jack went back to his common rooms too. He shared his room with three other guys. One had red hair and really liked green, one had messy black hair and the last one had really long blond hair and wore a Viking helmet.

A/N Can you guess who all of their roommates are an what movie they are from. Merida's are the most obvious, then Jack, and then it's an educated guess for Punzie and Hiccup.

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