Chapter 18

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"No way!"Merida shouted, listening to Hiccups story the next morning at breakfast.

"Shhh!" Hiccup snapped as a few heads turned their way.

"Sorry," Merida apologized.

"I can't believe one of our teachers would do something like that!" Merida said, banging her fist on the table.

"Calm down! We don't necessarily know if it is something bad or not," Hiccup said.

"Then why would they be sneaking around like that!" Merida asked.

"I'm not sure. It could just be nothing," Hiccup said. Merida rolled her eyes.

"Don't be dumb. It's definitely not nothing. They shouldn't have anything to hide from us," Merida said.

"Now look who's being dumb. Teachers hide stuff from their students all the
time," Hiccup said. Merida sighed.

"Well, either way we have to do something. Who else knows besides you, me, and he who shall not be named?" Merida asked.

"Are you talking about Voldemort?" Hiro asked, turning to them.

"No, Jack," Hiccup said.

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope you two make up soon," Hiro said. He turned back to eating and talking with Violet and his brother.

"Jack's telling Punzie, but that's it," Hiccup said.

"Ok. So, what's the plan for this then?" Merida asked.

"I was thinking we could wait until Christmas night, and while all the teachers are in the great hall for the Christmas celebration we can sneak in pairs into the different teachers rooms and look for what Jack and I saw. We'll split into pairs. Jack and Punzie and you and me, if that's okay," Hiccup said. Merida nodded.

"Better than that idiot," Merida said.

"Until then, I'm going to be reading up about different items with stars on them to see if I can locate what we saw," Hiccup said.

"Are you sure. Shouldn't you be training up for the quidditch game between Ravenclaw and Gryffinfor?" Merida asked.

"I suppose so. That match is this Friday, isn't it?"

"Thursday, actually and your team needs you, so stop being such a nerd and focus on training!" Aurora butted in, closing the book and taking it away.

"Well, I suppose reading will have to wait then." Hiccup turned to Aurora.

"Can I have my book back, now?"

"Nope." Aurora said, flipping her hair and going back to breakfast. Hiccup sighed and went back to breakfast, too.

"Atta boy. We're still going to win of course, but my team wants a challenge. Plus, we still have plenty of time before Christmas for boring things as reading," Merida said.

"Woah. Who said anything about your team winning!" Hiro spoke up.

"Please. You guys are a team of nerds!" Merida said.

"We're not nerds. You just think that because we're just smarter than you. Although... you should be used to it by now." Ferb said. Merida stood up.

"You wanna say that to my fist?"

"Woah. Woah. Calm down." Astrid stood up, pushing her back.

"You wanna day that to my axe?" She pulled it her axe and brought it close to them. Hiccup got between them.

"Okay, everybody stop. Let's save the trash talking for tomorrow."

"...Fine." Astrid put her axe down and went back to eating.

"See you then, Hiccup," Merida said and turned back to her own table. However, in the back of her mind was niggling worry about what was going on. Christmas was little more than a month away and Hogwarts always had a big feast on the night before pretty much everybody went home. It would be the perfect time for the two of them to sneak away.

Meanwhile, Jack was saying pretty much the same thing to Punzie, except that he whole heartedly believed the thing they saw was being used for something bad.

"I'm not sure I want to help you guys. What if whatever the thing was isn't bad?" Punzie asked.

"It was definitely bad. Or else, they wouldn't be doing it so shadily," Jack said. Punzie looked down at her food.

"I don't believe any of the teachers would do something that despicable! Not that I'm exactly sure what the something is, though," Punzie shook her head and Jack shrugged.

"Yeah, I know. It came as a shock to me, too,"

"I guess I'll try my best to help you guys then. If only to prove to you that the teachers are good!" Punzie said, with resolve.

"Good. We needed your help in this mission,"

"Fine. Sneaking around the corridors will be a good bonding experience at least," Punzie tried to look at the bright side.

"Yeah! We'll be like assassins! Or ninjas!" Jack grabbed a couple pineapple slices in between his fingers and threw them at Punzie, like shurikens. Punzie grabbed a couple bread sticks.

"Knives are better!" She said and hit Jack with them. Jack grabbed more slices and threw them at her, laughing. Punzie joined in laughing as she hit Jack with the breadsticks. However, one of Jack's pineapple slices missed Punzie and hit Cinderella in the back of the head, causing er to spill her drink on herself.

"Oh! Sorry," Punzie said, apologetically. Jack merely snickered in the background until Punzie hit him and glared at him.

"It's fine. I'll get it washed. I just wish I hadn't wasted the food..." Cinderella wiped her dress off with a napkin.

"I feel sooo bad! She only had like two dresses and that was one of them," Punzie mumbled to Jack. Jack just kept laughing behind his hand.

"She'll be fine. It's just orange juice." Punzie whacked him with one of the breadsticks as another scolding before taking a bite of it.

"When we sneak around, let's try to do it as fast as possible. I really want to get back for the Christmas feast."

"Of course! Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday. No way are we going to miss the whole feast. We just have to be careful, though. There are lots of ghosts around and the caretaker Edna, too," Jack said.

"Don't worry about the ghosts. They all seem to like me. Even the screechy one, Peeves," Punzie said.

"That's good. Since I'm your partner, we can use that to our advantage," Jack said. Now they only had to watch out for Edna, sneaking around the corridors would be much easier.

"We're not going to get expelled for any of this stuff, right?" Jack laughed.

"No way! I'm sure people have done way worse things than this. My grandpas Fred and George did way worse things." Punzie still looked hesitant so Jack spent the rest of breakfast telling her all about the whacky adventures his grandparents had gotten into.

A/N I was thinking lately, shouldn't Slytherin and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and Gryffindor be rivals instead of Slytherin and Gryffindor. The only opposite things are their colors (red and green). Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor would essentially be the age old jocks vs. nerds. And Slytherins being cunning and ambitious are just the type of people who'd step on the honest and hardworking Hufflepuffs to get ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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