Chapter 4: Fighting; Mate Style

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Please vote and comment! This is the last chapter I am posting today, i would like at least a few more comments on the story, whether it be if you like it or some suggestions you want in the story, so vote&comment also tell me who you think Raven should be with, her master Vlad or the werewolf Vladimir? 


Chapter 4. (sorry if this chapter is boring.) 

:::VLADIMIR P.O.V::: (the werewolf will go by Vladimir and Raven\'s master/mate will go by Vlad.) 

The pack was on their usual run with me in the lead when we all sensed the smell of burning flesh and blood.  

\"Can you smell that?\"  

\"All of us can. Alpha Vladimir, can you lead us to the smell?\" 

\"Indeed, it is in the Northern direction from our current position.\" Sprinting towards the smell, I made sure my mate was alright as well.  

\"We are here.\" It was a white house and in the back you could see smoke rising and hear maniacal laughter.  

\"This way.\" Crawling on all fours we headed towards the back of the house. I dropped in my tracks when I saw what was happening.  

To my, and the packs, utter horror, Raven was dancing around a bonfire of flames, screaming towards the Earth-something about her parents. What is she doing!? Jonathan grabbed my attention and pointed to two 12 foot stakes planted in the ground. We looked back at Raven who was pulling the two burnt bodies towards the stakes.  

\"Someone has to stop her.\"  

\"It is pointless, they\'re already dead.\"  

\"Stop her!\"  

\"No.\" It was my final command and no one could contradict me. I wanted to see what she was going to do. To my horror yet again, Raven levitated towards the stop of the stakes and held both bodies over top of them From where I stood I could see the sadistic grin she had on her face as the bodies dropped onto the stakes. Impalement.  

\"She just impaled those two people. What the hell is she!?\" 

\"I know. She is a vampire and by the looks of it, she was created by an elder vampire.\"  

\"How would you know this?\" 

\"Well first of all, no fledgling vampire we have dealt with was able to do what she is doing now.\"  

\"right. Well it is too late now. I will speak with my father about this. Now, survey the rest of the land and get home, alert your families that we have a dangerous vampire on our hands. This one will be much, much harder to destroy. Especially if she was made by who I think.\"  

\"Yes, Alpha Vladimir.\"  

What have I done? 

:::RAVEN P.O.V::: 

School. Finally. I could not wait to hear what the news anchor thought of my display. Since my coffin was still under the bed, the police did not discover anyone home. One of the neighbors must have called the police. I stepped into the backyard to see everything was cleaned up, to my disappointment. I walked towards the gate where I picked up the scent of werewolf, reeking of the forest and wet dog. They watched me and I knew exactly who was going to have a talk with me about it today.  

\"Well little pup, I can\'t wait to kill you along with all the others I have who have crossed my path.\" I walked to school, shaking with anticipation.  

\"Well in the early hours of the morning, the police received an anonymous call, tipping them that in the backyard of Hillary and Mervin Jones, were two burnt bodies, impaled on roughly 12 foot poles. Both the bodies have been identified as Hillary and Mervin and the murderer has yet to be found. That is all with the daily news, back to you Jim!\" How pathetic, she didn\'t even go into what the bodies looks like or even what the main cause of death could have been. There were no pictures!  


\"what do you want...pup?\" I smirked when I felt the fear rolling off him in waves.  

\"W-what do you mean by \'pup\'?\"  

\"Ah young Vladimir, you are a disgrace, I have seen better alphas in my wandering on Earth, you definitely rank at the lowest of them all. Your father goes down the list with you too.\" 

\"Don\'t you dare talk of my father that way.\" 

\"I will talk about him the way I please. There is nothing you can do about it. If you dare defy me, I will kill you, just like I did Hillary and Mervin.\" From the corner of my eye, I could see him tense up at this. Maybe, just maybe, the little pup knew his place, that or he didn\'t have a death wish.  

\"Listen to me Raven, you have to stop this.\" 

\"That is too much to ask. But don\'t worry, I will be leaving by Friday. And mutt, I. Am. Not. Your. Mate.\" With that I stormed out of the homeroom and onto first period. After saying my parting graces, I saw Vladimir\'s face was priceless.  

To my dismay, Vladimir caught up to me, only to tell me off. 

\"Sorry Raven, but you are my mate.\" 

\"Well sorry, pup, but I already have one. A vampire mate.\" He looked shocked, I finally caught him. With all my heart, I used to hate my master for changing me into a monster. After sometime, he showed me how pleasing it could be to be a vampire. After we spent so much time together, things only got more romantic and special. He told me why he changed me and what I really was to him. His true vampire mate.  

\"Raven listen to me, I think I would know who my mate is.\"  

\"Mutt, listen to me, you have no idea who she/he is because you have never met her/him yet. There is love and then there is lust. You have lust for me, that is all. Get it straight. And on the other hand, I feel nothing for you, I have no emotions to waste upon a worthless maggot like you.\" His face was dumbstruck, for the rest of the day I ignored his pleading and sad glances. The only person I wanted was my master. 

And I would get to see him soon enough.

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