Chapter 7: Goodnight, love.

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Chapter 7: Say your Prayers  

yeah. still revising. WOAH. seven chapters in 1 hour. 


\"Say your prayers mother fucker!\" I screamed at the top of my lungs. You probably want to know what is happening now? Yeah that would be helpful..


~Second attack. Tonight.

-Yes sir, my master.-  

~Remember my fledgling, I will be watching from the sidelines.~ 

-Alright. I will not fail you, my master.-  

I decided to take one of their newest pups-to kill it. From what I hear, Seth is their weakest link and Jonathan is the second in command. Jonathan will be the the last one to go before Vladimir, that is. I pulled up whatever information I could on Seth and I transformed into his mother. She had blonde hair, green eyes, bronze skin-she was a typical soccer mom. I took Mervin and Hillary\'s minivan to Vladimir\'s house, planning to kidnap Seth and take him to his sister Ella\'s \"soccer practice.\"  

\"Hello Mrs. Gardner!\"  

\"Hello Vladimir. Um, could you get Seth for me, his sister has late soccer practice and he needs to go with me, I have some things to get and I will need help carrying them.\"  

\"Sure, no problem Mrs. G. Hey Seth! Your mom needs you!!\" I smiled as Seth came into view. Oh how this boy will feel once his \'mommy\' kills him. 

\"Hey mom!\"  

\"Come on Seth, your sister is going to be late!\" I chuckled and dragged the little mutt to the car. Revving the engine, I sped out of the driveway and towards the secluded forest.  

\"m-mom where are w-we going!?\" His voice was high pitched with stress. I almost laughed at him. Shifting back into myself, I glanced at Seth through the mirror.  

\"I don\'t know. Where do you think we are going Seth?\" When he heard my voice, his whole body started to physically vibrate. I drank the fear that came rolling off him in waves, as if it were fine blood. I almost felt guilty for killing him, but the guilt soon passed when we arrived at my torture spot. \"We\'re here!\" I stepped out of the car and yanked the boy, frozen with fear, from his seat and dragged him towards the tree. Slipping on black hand gloves, I tied a rope around Seth\'s neck.  

\"Surly you are going to put up a fight? I know you have it in you mutt.\"  

\"Why should I fight? You are too strong for me anyway.\"  

\"Perhaps, but I find when victims put up a fight, it is all the more entertaining.\"  

\"You are a monster.\" 

\"That\'s what they tell me.\" I sighed to myself and tossed the rope over the tree. \"So any last words you want me to repeat or document?\"  


\"Alright and they are?\"  

\"FUCK YOU!\" He screamed into my face. I began laughing histerically, which made his fear worse.

\"Now, now mutt. Watch your language! You wanna go to Heaven right!?\" I grinned at the boy and he just about passed out. I swung the rope over the tree branch and started pulling, ah. Looks like a traditional suicide. 

\"Say your prayers mother fucker!\" I screamed at the top of my lungs. And here we are right now. (A/N: Flashback over) 


\"I will see you in hell too, mutt!\" His face went a blue-purple before the color finally drained, signaling that he was dead. I dropped his lifeless body on the ground and used my strength to snap his neck. The finial stage of my plan will be complete shortly.  

\"Alright lets go boy.\" I dragged his lifeless body back to the car and back to Vladimir\'s house. Once there, I made sure the coast was clear and dragged Seth\'s body to the front of the house and attatched a dog treat to his collar. Ringing the doorbell, I ran away and hid on the edge of the forest to see how the pack of mutts would react.  

\"Dad, DAD, DAD COME HERE!\" I saw and heard Vladimir scream. Yes scream and cry over your beloved dead wet dog,  

\"Oh my god. She has done it.\"  

\"RAVEN!\" I bet I could hear my name called from all around the world. Finally, something to destroy their confidence.  

~Well done my pet.

-thank you, my master.- 

~I will see you soon, my beautiful dark bride.~ I couldn\'t help but smile when I heard that. When I was semi-younger I snuck a peek into Vlad\'s mind, just because it was too quiet for me. He was imagining himself at the end of the alter and myself completing the brides walk in a ripped and bloodstained wedding gown.  

\"Father what do we do?\" I snapped out of my happiness to hear the tears in Vladimir\'s voice.  

:::authors note::: 


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