Chapter 20: The End!

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Chapter 20:

:::Vlad P.O.V:::

Where was Raven?! I asked Allison to get her for me over an hour ago! I needed to show her my methods of punishment. I smirked at the cries of pain and the begging, finally I was returning to my old self.

"RAVEN!" My voice thundered throughout the halls. Where is that damned girl ~no pun intended~

"Sir! Calm yourself. Guests are here, from you Royal Court." William angrily whispered to me. My eyes widened as I tied my hair back and changed into an all black attire. "that's better sir."

"Tell Raven...that I will handle her later."

"Sir don't you know?" William asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't I know what?" I was getting impatient.

"Raven left. She said that she didn't want to be around your arrogance anymore and stormed out of the castle." My head swam with the information William told me. If my heart had been beating, it would have stopped.

"Why?" The simple word made William's face darken.

"she thought you cared for Allison more." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. What was I going to do!?

"why, why would she think that when multiple times, I told Allison that there was nothing between me and her!" I growled. "Forget it, let me get this meeting over and we shall devise something up later. That is a command William." I snarled and stormed out of the dining hall and to the ball room.

"ah, King of the Vampires, nice to finally see you!" Draco called out happily. I grunted in response and took my seat at the head of the room.

"What are you here?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Well we heard news of your beloved bride, Raven, leaving you. You must take another. Now more news also reached our ears that you have a new fledgling. You must take her as your bride." Draco sighed happily. He never like Raven, his wife left him because of her. 'Well maybe if you didn't beat her....' I thought to myself.

"No! who is King here!?" I roared.

"Vlad! Vampire Code." Erick yelled in unison with Draco. If I didn't remarry, I would have to give my title over to Draco and Satan know what he would do. I sighed and angrily ran a hand through my hair.

"It is okay Vlad, I doubt Raven will care." I heard a female voice. I looked over at Allison and scowled. That innocent little prick. I sighed, my thoughts could not leave Raven. I will get her back, I will get what I want.

"Fine. I will do it, but rest assured, once I get Raven back to me, you are gone." I gave Allison a warning glance and looked at the council.

"Splendid!" Draco cried, "I will have Arielle plan the wedding for you two. Oh this is such a happy occasion!" Draco sighed happily. Sometimes I thought he was up to something. This was one of those times.

I felt two slimy arms wrap around my torso.

"Oh Vlad I am so happy! I will make you...very, very, pleased." Allison whispered in my ear. I had to suppress a shudder...of disgust. Absolute disgust.

:::Raven P.O.V:::

That unholy wench! I am not going to lie, she was good. Planning this all out. But still, damn it all to hell and back again! The holy water left singe marks on my arms and there was a imprint of a cross on my neck. Just what I need damn it!

Currently, I was locked in some abandoned warehouse. I looked around from inside my cell and saw about 14 pairs of red eyes.

"Oh fuck me!" I whined. They were either vampires or...mutant rats.

"What's wrong, your majesty, not used to seeing grime and dirt." One spat with disgust. With the roll of my eyes and the flick of my wrist, he went flying backwards.

I looked at the metal bars on the cell and gripped them in my hands. Letting out a heavy sigh, I pushed the bars, easy at first then gradually increasing in strength.

"How is she doing that!?"

"It-it's silver though!"

"What the hell is she!?"

"Run!" I heard a chorus of words, almost breaking my focus, I pushed harder on the bars until they burst. Smirking proudly, I pranced over to the first pair of red eyes.

"Burn in the 7th level of hell!" I brutally ripped the eyes out of their sockets and shoved one of the metal bars through the vampire's mouth, through his stomach and out of his ass. Basically, it was a dulled down impalement stake.

"SO who wants the next turn!?" I asked casually, spinning a bar in my hands. When I heard no answer, I looked up to see the room empty. "Cowards." I dragged in a ragged breath and ran a hand through my ebony locks. "Great now how in Satan's beard do I get out of here?" I looked about the room to see absolutely no escape except for....the smashed windows at the top of the building.

"Well time to go." I muttered quietly to myself.


Yes okay well there is going to be a sequel out, so read this, comment and vote and it will motivate me to write the sequel and upload faster. So, this is the end my friends.

Ps: the sequel is called "These Secrets Will Kill Us, So Pray For Revenge"

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