Chapter 18: And so...I can't remember

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Chapter 18:

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Recap: We got to see Raven's true form and Vlad marked Raven, meaning she is basically his property, his woman, his wife, his bride, his mistress, etc (you get the point.) Starting out in Raven's point of view. Alright on with the story:


I awoke to see nothing but black.

His coffin. I smiled and snuggled into Vlad's chest only to find that he wasn't there. Damn it.

"Miss wake up! Training today! Get up!" I heard knocking on the lid of the coffin.

"I am up William." I spoke so calmly that I could feel the fear emanating off of William.

"Well then Miss, I have something to tell you." I lifted the lid and stepped out.

"what do you need to tell me William?" I asked going towards the closet.

"Well Miss, I wanted to tell you what color your ties to Vlad are. They're black." Oh great...that's a lot of lust....

"Wonderful." I grumbled and slipped on a elegant dress. It was to the floor, black and had a red lace-up corset.

"William can you help me tie up the corset." I felt Williams hands dance along the corset with such speed, before I could blink the corset was tied. "thank you." I turned the leave the room, but William grasped my hand.

"Help me woo Allison." Huh?

"why? I thought you two are meant to be, why would you need my help!?" I was not a expert in match making...and William knew that!

"I will get on my knees and beg you...Queen of the Vampires." I was shocked when he said that.

"what do you mean by that?" I asked slightly shook up. The night before was a blur.

"Do you even remember what happened last night?" William asked, raising an eyebrow.

"N-no...what happened William?" I asked.

"I marked you and made you my bride and queen." I heard a deep voice from the archway.

I turned to see Vlad smiling at me from across the room. I didn't really know how to respond to what he said...

"And not only that, you marked me as your lover, and king." He pulled the collar of his shirt down, I saw to fang marks in his jugular, my marks.

"Oh fiery hell." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Great.

"what is so wrong with marking each other. You knew I was going to do it at some point." Vlad said coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. Damn, no getting away now.

"Well technically, I didn't know you were going to do that..." Now I am nothing but a bride, a concubine. I thought sadly to myself. Vlad looked at me suddenly angered.

"You are not just a bride to me!" He thundered. Oh great. "You mean everything to me. I have waiting a good 480 years for you to come to me! You were the one to unfreeze me heart and show me love! Doesn't that mean anything to you!?" Vlad growled. He gripped my upper arms in an iron vice, I whimpered in pain. He looked at me with such ferocity in his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"I...I just don't know anymore..." I said quietly.

"Fine, if that is how you feel, than I can treat you like another bride." Vlad said dismissively. Shit, I knew I shouldn't have said or thought anything.

:::Vlad P.O.V:::

It was just like her to be undermining my love for her. I stormed from the room and into the hallway. From the corner I stopped at, I looked back at Raven. She had blood tears running down her cheeks. It took all my willpower not to race back to her and hold her in a tight embrace, assuring her that I she was not just a bride, or a concubine, or a mistress. She was my everything.

But knowing her she wouldn't except that. She acted more like a woman who was afraid to show feelings, like it was a sign of weakness.

Well then, I will just have to break her.

:::Allison P.O.V:::

I giggled to myself. I had hidden in the room next to Raven and Vlad's room. I heard everything that just went on, maybe this could be my chance to get to Vlad. If Raven was now just a bride, maybe I could be his wife, his everything. I wanted him, only because he was gorgeous and powerful and because Raven loved him. Though, I thought sadly to myself, they don't love each other, it is more like borderline obsession. They really cannot live without each other.

Oh well! I will still get him for myself. I smiled to myself and skipped out of the room and down the hall, giggling softly. Now to put my plan into action...

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