Chapter 8: Destroyed by a Teenage Vampire

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\"The final act.\" I murmured to myself. I paced back and forth in the living room, letting my restlessness eat me alive. \"Ugggh!\" I was ready to rip my hair out. I have tried almost every method of killing, even twisted into how I wanted to.  

\"what the hell else is there!?\" I growled to myself. Suddenly a light bulb lit in my head. A wild, untamed smirk graced my features. \"Perfect.\" I purred to myself.  


I was out getting the rest of the pack food. Since Seth\'s murder, we haven\'t heard much from Raven. None of us had been showing up at school, none of us had been doing anything really. Just sitting around waiting for our deaths to arrive at dawn. Truly there was nothing we could do... 

5 minutes after grabbing the last of the food, I stood in the check out line, paid the money, and left. Something in my gut tells me that I am going to go home to a mass murder or something wrong.  

:::RAVEN P.O.V::: 

\"Take that!\"  

\"I have hated your kind since the very minute I set my eyes on you!\" 

\"Rot in hell with the rest of your kind!\" 

\"So! Tell me Vincent, do you fear me?\" 


\"Do you tremble when you stand in the presence of the devil? Do you inhale the stale stench of death when everyone around you is disembodied, bleeding out and impaled!? Tell me...are you afraid of death? Oh...and your wife wanted me to tell you something.\"  

\"Oh? And what\'s that? That she loves me? Though you probably have never felt love!\" the old man spat. 

\"Maybe that is true. But that\'s not what she said. She wanted me to tell you...I\'ll see you in hell.\" I laughed maniacally when his face twisted with anger. \"Say goodbye old man! HAHAHAHAHA!\" I stabbed the knife repeatedly into his jugular, blood spewed everywhere, my laughter only grew louder. \"Goodnight. Former alpha Vincent. Though you were never supposed to be alpha. You killed your own flesh and blood to do it.\" I left with the house aflame and the pack impaled on poles as high as tree tops. Not even bothering to clean up the mass murder, I left home to grab my bags. Back to Romania. I couldn\'t help but smile, a grim and sinister smile.  


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