Chapter 16: Balcony

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Chapter 16

Recap: Okay so in the last chapter, I revealed who the mystery person was, Raven and Vlad had sex, and we find out that William (butler) can see the metaphorical ties that bind people together. On with chapter 16:

"Time to awake Raven." I heard a velvet voice whisper. Once I came to, I saw Vlad hovering overtop of me.

"Get off mosquito."

"Good evening to you too." He chuckled. Vlad kissed my nose and flitted off the bed.

"So are we training young blood today?" Vlad nodded and I stepped out of the bed only to realize that my clothes had been shredded the night before.

"You have got nothing to hide from me," He winked, "and yes we are. Well you are, I have business to sort out." He snapped his fingers and was automatically dressed.

"You must teach me that." I pouted. I still had to get out of the bed and go to the closet to get clothes...not snap my fingers. I chose black skinny jeans with chains hanging around the thighs of them, a long sleeved black shirt, black combat boots, and my signature upside down cross.

"The fledgling is in the ballroom. I am expecting to see you in me...personal study after you have done enough damage." Vlad whispered seductively in my ear.

"Hmm, will do darling." He released my hips and kissed the tip of my nose, leaving me to stand there thinking.

"Miss Raven, follow me." I followed after William to the ballroom.

"So you and Allison eh?" I laughed as a crimson blush decorated his face.

"We-well yes. She refuses to admit it, but I can see the ties that will bond us. Like how I can see how incredibly strong the ties between you and Vlad are."

"what color are our ties William?" I asked curiously. Pink for love, blue for sadness, red for forms of anger, yellow for happiness, etc. And then black for true mates and high lust.

"Well to be honest Miss, your ties are..." He was cut off by a sharp scream. I kicked the doors open (yet again) to the ballroom.

"Don't you know not to stick your hand in the fire stupid!" I yelled and grasped Allison's hand tightly in my own two small hands.

"Well how was I supposed to know!?" Allison whimpered when I lightly touched the burn.

"Well for one you moron, even when you were human you know that your skin would burn if you held it over fire. Think of what would happen if you were a vampire!? You stupid girl!"

"That is enough Raven! Let me clean her up!" William growled. My eyes flashed a dangerous red as I shoved Allison over to William. I stormed out of the ballroom and onto the balcony.


"May I have this dance?" A man with a coal-black mask asked me. He swept his hand to the floor in a light, yet cocky bow and took my right hand in his. He twirled me around in elegant loops and dipped me twice.

"So what is your name, young one?"


"You are the girl I saved. It is nice to see that you are well." The man smirked as I hit a small realization. "But, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

"thank you. What is your name?"

"I go by many names, but you may call me Vlad. Not many have that privilege." A light pink tinge graced my cheeks.

:::Vlad P.O.V::: (this was in Raven's flashback)

I saw the young maiden from across the room. Midnight black tresses piled on her, curled locks falling in a way that framed her pale face. Shell pink lips pressed into a firm line and almost clear eyes, beautiful. It was the girl I saw in town just a few days ago. The men around me stared at her with lust in her eyes.

"Excuse me gentleman." I cleared my throat and walked over to the young woman.

"May I have this dance?" I didn't really give her a chance to answer. I took her tiny right hand in my own larger one and started to dance a traditional waltz. I looked deep into the woman's eyes and saw that her eyes weren't clear, they were a steel gray.

(A/N: Her eyes when she was human where gray, when she is mad they are red/or black, most of the time her eyes are red. Continue-)

"So what is your name, young one?" I asked her curiously. She had not told me when I found her.


"You are the girl I saved. It is nice to see that you are well." I smirked when her eyes showed realization. "But, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

"thank you. What is your name?" she asked.

"I go by many names, but you may call me Vlad. Not many have that privilege." A light pink tinge graced her cheeks. It was adorable. So innocent. I could not wait to turn her into my personal lover. To turn her into my bride, my wife and I plan to corrupt that innocence.

"Would you like to take a walk?" Now to reel her in. She nodded and placed her tiny hand in my yet again. We walked towards the doors that lead out of the ballroom towards the balcony.

"So tell me, Vlad, which one of those gorgeous women in there if your wife?" I couldn't help the shiver of pleasure that ran up my spine when she said my name. It rolled off her tongue like it was meant to be, like my name was the name she would cry out, like my name was the name she would in a lustful voice. I smiled at her and she gazed at me questioningly.

"None of them are my bride. But I plan on making someone here mine." I saw a tinge of fear in her eyes as my fangs exploded in my mouth.

"W-what are y-you!?" She squeaked. I smiled at the young blood and my fangs sliced through the sweet skin of her jugular.

"Do not worry, love, I will not hurt you. I will show you things that no woman has seen. I promise you the world, darling." I whispered into her ear and she drank from my wrist. Her frail body collapsed in my arms from exhaustion, and a tired sigh escaped her lips.


Yay! long-ish chapter!

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