To life

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You thought you could keep me trapped in a pit of sorrow again? Sorry dear I'm stronger than you know. Chemo is a bitch but I'm a better bitch.

And my dad is my dad and that is fine you didn't really get the element of surprise on that one.

And people love me and can relate to me and connect with me. A kind teacher with a survivor as a spouse, another kind teacher with open ears and a comfy couch, a teacher who's real and treats me like an adult, a director walking a different part of the same path as me, the sweetest best friend anyone could ever ask for, the list is endless.

And I'm doing thinks I love- PA, future ASM and SM, crew lead, NSP Exec and future pres., ME, mentor, mentor pt. 2, TD, thespian and honor thespian like ah!!

And music! So much music! My days are filled from dawn til dusk with music on top of music on top of music. The music of laughter and smiles and music for any mood any time

And you do win small battles here and there I will admit. Sometimes it is hard. Sometimes it's really hard. But I come back stronger each time you knock me down.

And I'm excluded from the drama now. And I'm selfish in a good way again. And I'm learning how to accept help and how to ask for it.

It'd be nice if you could chill out with making her feel guilty. She doesn't deserve it and you know it and I know it so convince her please and thank you.

And thank you for your lessons recently even tho I claim to dislike them. I'm gonna be a better person in the end and I know it. Plus tomorrow makes 5/6!! That's a solid B of the way through and if we go back for round two and I get a port and stronger dose and life changes more well that'll suck on the surface and be good in the end and an adventure all the time between.

You can't take the positive mentality away from me for long. These few days of victory were just the calm in the storm because I am tired of feeling angry at you and helpless and sad and exhausted. I can do this and it probably won't be easy every day but it's happening so there

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