chapter 21

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"Wwwhat?!" She shrieked.

" Shhh , be quiet. We are not alone in this house " I replied still holding her hand .

Her eyes are widened and she looks absolutely cute . She struggled to remove her hands from my grip but failed hard .

" I need to find my name and you need to be ready to grant my gift " I said slowly which made her stop her trial to get my hands off her .

" Ok . Fine . Ten minutes maximum time " she said in duh tone .

" Ten minutes? Don't you think it's too much time for me?" I asked her amused by her condition.

" Wait ! Where is my gift? You are supposed to give me gift on our first night ! " She jumped excitedly on bed .

" I wanna open it ! " She shouted .

" And ??" I asked her .

" I wanna see what you got for me !" She exclaimed.

" And ??" I asked her trying to see if she can get the meaning behind my question.

" I . Want . It . Where is my gift? Do I need to search it in this room?" She asked excitedly looking here and there.

" Well it's right in front of you but I don't think you will be ready to open and look at it let alone bear the sight of it" I said winking a bit.

" What? Why do you say so? I will love it and want to keep it to myself . Give me or else you are not allowed to search for your name " she said angrily huffing a bit.

"Ok then , as you say " I said and started removing my boxers , waiting for her reaction.

" What are you doing! You pig! Was your..your that thing was my gift??! " She shouted and started hitting me .

" You were very eager , now what happened? You are a doctor Meera just chill . Haven't you seen anything before?" I asked her teasing a bit.

" What? Shut up !" She pushed me and sat at the corner of bed .

"Meera please, let me see my name" I begged her.

" No. I don't have any gift so you can't see . Go to sleep" she said looking into some files.

" Don't you think you should too?" I asked her taking her files away.

" I should go through this case, I got surgery tomorrow afternoon" she said trying to take them from me.

" But it's our first day! My heart will break if I don't have my love with me" I said sleeping on her lap.

" I can mend a broken heart but I don't want to stop someone's heart from beating just because I am married" she answered seriously looking into files holding with one hand while other one I was holding and searching for my name.

" Got it!" I exclaimed happily after I found my name.

" What? Your brain back?" She asked in duh tone.

" My name on your hand." I replied.

" You cheater! I don't have any gift for you! " She shouted.

I pecked on her lips and said " it's ok baby give me when I ask for it"

I switched off lights making her sleep too coz as much as I want her to study her case , I can't let her be awake after all the hectic schedule we had past few days .

Al though she's not the one who arranged all those but she's the person who gets tired by looking at people who arrange it !

Birds were chirping and I could smell fresh air , I thought of getting up early and start my day with work out as usual but I couldn't . The reason?

Well Meera sleeps like wide spread star fish or unconscious octopus spreading her limbs in all possible directions . And me? I am glued to my own bed front facing my mattress and God knows which part of hers lying on mine .

I tried to wriggle out from her but psst! Suddenly I felt her moving a bit away from me , took this chance and slipped out of my bed .

My sight infront of me couldn't erase my smile . Shes lying half on bed and half on floor upside down with her bedsheet covering her legs . My shirt on her seems to slip down trying to expose something which by seeing I may not allow her to leave the bed .

I slowly walked towards her ,lifted her body and place her properly on bed tucking her under bedsheet properly . " Sid , wake me up at 11 " she mumbled .

It's eight in the morning and I left for work out which is connected to my room. I did my routine, dressed properly and sat down to look upon my work .

After few minutes I checked on her and man! She can't sleep in comfortable position ever! She lying diagnolly on our bed spreading her limbs .

It's nine thirty and I don't want to give any chances to my family to make fun of us . Decided to wake her up . I gently shook her calling her name .

She smiled a bit and yawned closing her eyes . I think she forgot that she's married to me .

" Meera , get up it's about time . " I said lowly not wanting her to scare .

" What is wrong with you? You aren't shouting today and talking as if m your lover" she said burying her face in between pillows .

" Coz you are baby " I said and kissed her head .

Her body became stiff and she at once woke up hitting my jaw with her head .

"Ow" I winced holding it .

" Good mmorning" she said lowly waiting for my reaction.

" It definitely is a good one " I said sarcastically rubbing the area where her head hit my jaw .

" M sorry . Will get ready in 10min " she said and ran to bathroom.

"Meera! You don't have clothes! Your bag will be send in the evening coz Sid is apparently sleeping still . I bought you a dress wear it for today "I shouted and sat back on my chair .

She came out wearing a simple baby pink kurti with white leggings which I bought for her . I know she won't like flashy things and she can't wear them to hospital.

She made breakfast and we had it not so peacefully coz my family kept on her asking her to eat well since she needs stamina for every night from today.

I don't know how to stop them at all. My dad out of all is uncontrollable. As soon as we entered our dining room he said " so? Which one have you tried? Hard? Rough? Or soft? Ah! I am sure soft coz you lasted so long in there !"

He went back to reading his newspaper answering to his own question. And we both just stood there glancing at our whole family.

We both sat in my car as I have to visit hospital to check on some things and drop my wife as well . It was pleasant ride ,no one spoke anything. But I had to warn her about my family and their way of asking personal questions.

" M sorry , you know dad is always like that and my brothers are good but cocky a bit . Please don't mind them ." I said waiting for her reaction.

" It's okay . They are my family too now . They don't mean harm anyway . I like our family" she answered looking out of window smiling a bit .

Our family

I like the ring of it . Someday soon we will definitely have our family! With that thought in mind I took her hand in mine and drove the way with out removing my hold on her .

She didn't take her hands away from me and I was glad we were progressing a bit.


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Dedicated TrissBlack

Until next time :)

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