chapter 15

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I was exhausted and tired . It's been 24hrs since I last slept . Yesterday night around same time he kissed me , my first kiss!

I was busy at hospital with back to back emergency cases . It's like they got heart attack for my surprise given by Arjun! Arjun...

" Meera please! Talk with me ! Don't be like that , you know I never ever thought about her " Arjun said .

I didn't react , just continued with my work , I had very hectic schedule and top of it I had to move in dress which he gave me . It's not like I don't have clothes to change .. I just felt good in this dress.

" Meera ! Look at me ! You can't ignore me now , I have been your friend hell! Best friend during a time . Why don't you understand that I love you? I know you won't be angry with your friends for long . Just do something ! Hit me ! Shout at me ! But please Meera react. I love you, I always have ..." He said pulling me closer to him , I could sense his helplessness and at same time desperation for my reaction.

He again confessed in front of whole hospital . Does he really love me that he didn't care what others will think with this stunt? I love him too ! But my mind can't forget the part where he kissed her twice! I know it's not his fault but I don't know I just need some assurance that he will be mine forever but don't know how to ask him .

" Leave me . I got important cases to attend don't create scene in the hallway . There are people who ll die if I don't see them " I replied him irrevelant to his pleas , just wanted to be away from him .

" Okay Meera , attend your important cases just remember I will die too if you don't attend me , you will be mine soon . Just remember I never intended to kiss anyone other than you , if you don't believe me I don't mind reminding you again . " He said seriously looking into my eyes and left hospital premises.

I reached home past midnight around 1 AM , I badly wanted to sleep but it's far from my reach.

" Heellloooo! You are home! How many gave their heart to you ? " My dad asked winking at me .

He's watching WWE at this time?

" Where is mom? Why aren't you sleeping? It's working day tomorrow" I said relaxing a bit .

" Ah she? She's in kitchen preparing something for your brother. And me? You know we already have two children who are pretty grown up , so didn't think of making more that's why I am taking break " he said winking at me and whistling a bit .

" Seriously dad? You can't answer anything properly without linking it to that topic? And why is he hungry now? She's supposed to be preparing something for me " I replied with bit of irritation .

" So how many gave you their hearts?" Mum asked getting me plate of food .

" 6 , it was hell . Thank God no one reached operation room" I replied closing my eyes and eating my food peacefully.

" There's someone who's ready to give his heart , will you see him tomorrow?" My mum asked quitely.

I opened my eyes looked at my brother who's eating as if he's pregnant and my dad . I sighed ,if this is what they want then let it be . I will give it a try.

" Okay but not tomorrow . I need rest . M tired " I replied having my food again .

Cling!! I opened my eyes to look at my brother who stuffed his mouth with food and dropped his food as if he underwent shock .

" You mean , you are ready to marry? I mean marry someone you don't know? If you like him??" My brother questioned .

" I guess that's what happens when I like him . Why are you so shocked?" I asked him .

" Nothing huh okay . Fine . Sleep you are tired ." He replied finishing his food .

I left from there to freshen up , took my pillow and bedsheet and went to my terrace .

I lied down and started looking at stars or sky don't know at what I was looking . It's dark with half cresant moon and stars . My thoughts went back to the party , I wanted to shout at him that I love him more but I couldn't . Didn't think I would chicken out so much at right time .

Why did I behave like that? I should be happy and accept his love . Maybe I am afraid to know that I would never be able to love him like he does .

All the time , the moments we shared or the casual or I should say my stupid bickering , he was never bored of it but rather enjoyed them . Was he in love with me at that time ? Oh my god I slapped! But still be came for me!

I started staring blankly at the sky .

Clouds were passing and so was my time , never have I ever thought of my life , about the way it was or the way it is or the way it would be and yet here I am staring or you can say gazing those clouds.

"Meera! Meera! Common wake up!" . There he is standing few feet away impatiently.

"I am up don't bother me!" I said.

His expression changed a bit from impatient to worry, worry to sadness, sadness to helplessness. I don't know what made him to change or show those expressions. I am the one who should be all those.

"He is here" he announced with utmost seriousness.

This made me stop dreaming about my favourite chocolate pudding and how I am going to steal it from my brother.

He's here that's all I could see, hear or smell.. well not smell though!

I came down walking behind my brother who looks like walking tower in front of me, I am I will not be visible to anyone if he covers me like that.

I was lazy, sleep deprived, tired of all the thoughts I had previous night and most important not idea about why he's here at this moment of the day? My brother left me at threshold of our house, leaving me alone with him.

Damn! He looks hot in anything!

" Aarh .. hmm" I tried to clear my throat which I think looked like I was choking.

His eyes immediately snapped towards me roaming around taking in my present state of attire . I didn't care or atleast I tried to act as if I am not affected by his presence but deep inside we both know that I am affected.

Suddenly he started appearing nervous which I am not used to and said" I need you.. no I .. can I marry you?" He blurted out.

I was silent for a minute , couldn't process why he's here? What does he want? Why is he back now??.

"Whooooooohooo!" Someone shouted .

I turned back and saw my whole family in excited state.

" So will you? Hmm marrry me ?" He asked again standing a bit close .

I was speechless.


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Dedicated YoungFantasizer

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