chapter 26

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" Get me the details now!." I barked at my employee.

They flinched at my tone but didn't speak back and carried out my order. I was restless since yesterday night about that incident and the message I received previous night when I was staying at meera's place.

' Enjoy tonight for tomorrow she might not live '

I was furious beyond words. I didn't call back nor did I phone anyone that night because I know Meera will be worried.

"Arjun , it might be Dr Bhat. We can assume it's him. I don't know any foe of yours." Sid said sitting infront of me.
I searched for any possible enemies related to me, I took out all the dealings which I had done past two years. Only two of them I rejected, which are presenting their deal this month.

"It has to be someone related to me and Meera , someone from her work place or mine." I said seriously.

"Why don't we first interrogate Dr Bhat?." Sid suggested.

" Let's go." I said moving out as I don't want to regret not enquiring him.

I don't feel he will stoop that low, I saw him being intimate with some intern at party. He has created a scene I agree but he was drunk and freshly rejected. We both reached his house and rang his bell. After about five minutes , his door was opened by same intern with whom I saw him.

" Where is Dr Bhat?." Sid asked her.

"He's sleeping, why are you here?." She asked.

I moved past her inside his house. It's a small two bedroom apartment with required furniture.

"Wake him up and tell him I am here." I said making myself comfortable.

She went inside and woke him up.He looked like cave man.

"What happened Mr. Mehra ?." He asked sitting opposite to me.

"Why are you sending threat to him with your stupid messages?." Sid shouted at him.

"Me? About what? Why will I threaten him?." He questioned him with surprise.

"Don't you dare deny it, I will kill you here itself if it's proved." Sid shouted again.

" Mr . Kundra I have no idea, I have been at home all time." he said calmly.

"Making plans to kill my wife?." I asked him angrily.

"Meera? What happened to her? I don't know anything." he replied.

"Don't you dare take her name! I know you are planning her murder sitting here and taking help from this girl!." I barked at him .

" This girl ? Shruti? She just came here in spite of me not wanting her here." he said looking at her.

"Sir , sorry to interrupt. Dr. Bhat has broken his phone the day you threw him out. He's not been in contact with anyone. He doesn't even have landline. " She said .

" Then what are you doing here?." I asked her .

" Sir, I .. I love him . I was concerned about him. I know he spoke bad which I don't support at all but I love him. So I searched his address and came here this morning to find him sick and hungover." she said stealing glances at him.

He didn't care about her confession and asked
"May I see those messages?."

I showed him message and email which I received from unknown source.

"Mr . Mehra I didn't do this, it's your personal number and personal email id which only people you are close to will have. No one knows your number or email id in our hospital and I don't think it's someone from meera's side." he said seriously.

That's correct! It's my personal. How can anyone know about it? Even Meera doesn't know my email address. I got up from there clearly not his fault though.

"Thank you, sorry for harsh words." Sid said while I was walking out.

"It's okay I deserved it and I am sorry for insulting Khushi. She's a great doctor. I just lost my temper." he said looking down.

"I forgive you as long as you regret what you did and apologize those ladies whom you insulted instead of sulking in your room." Sid answered back.

Meera sure is his sister. Both of them can be so good.

"And appreciate the love you are showered with." I said looking between him and that intern .

She blushed and he looked at her lovingly. I know he might not say her but he loves her attention and care that's the reason he didn't throw her out of his house nor did he react to her confession . Maybe he did. I don't know.

"Sure." he said smiling at me and Sid.

"You can join after six months." I said while going out.

His eyes widened and stopped in his track.

" In the mean while , you will be given lower level job that is training interns at New branch. If you are interested you can join, if not your letter will be given about reporting time." I said walking out and getting into car.

I have a feeling that I knew the person who is threatening me. I dropped Sid at his home and headed back to mine. I ordered Meera to stay at home although, Nik and Sameer stayed back as they were excited to spend time with her. I reached home and scene in front of me made me boil with anger .

Nik and Sameer were sitting on either of my Meera who's in middle watching some stupid English series and feeding popcorn to them. They were enjoying and I couldn't tolerate it. I took long strides lifted her up in bridal style and walked back to our room.

"Arjun! Yo bro! That's not fair ! Get her back! We want our popcorn !." Sameer shouted.

" Fuck off! Get your own. If you disturb us I ll roast you in microwave." I shouted back closing our bedroom door.

Meera was looking at me wide eyed still holding popcorn in her hand. I adjusted myself on our bed holding her close to me.

" You are early." she stated.

"Doesn't my wife want her husband to come home early?." I asked her looking into her eyes.

" No." she replied seriously.

"And why is that." I asked her picking up popcorn and feeding her.

"Coz I want you to work , earn money so that I can spend and we can go on trips!." She said excitedly.

I smiled at her plans. I would love to fulfill that.
"Don't you earn money to spend and go on trips?." I asked her.

"I don't charge money you know. Only major surgeries. Since you earn I don't need to spend whatever money I have." she said winking at me, feeding me popcorn.

"Hmm that's good idea . I won't come home even at nights then. I will work hard." I said smirking a bit .

She looked horrified.
"What! No way! You will come home!." She shouted.

"And do what?." I asked her .

" We could you know we could ..." She strutted.

" What?." I asked her .

She immediately latched her lips to mine and started kissing me senselessly.

She initiated the kiss!!!!

My mind went blank . She moaned into our kissing pushing me back , throwing popcorn on me.

I pulled apart coz I need air to breath . She smirked and said " You might miss your kiss and many more if you work even at night."

With that said she sat on me and started eating the popcorn. I smiled at her . She's impossible, fiesty and all mine!

Even I got up, such that she's straddling me and started eating popcorn which covered our whole bed. Of course there was competition among us that who will clean our bed by eating it!

She won and I had chance to admire her happiness.

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Dedicated preranaHR9

Until next time:)

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