Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V

As I began to wake up I felt someone shaking me. My ears were ringing so I couldn't hear very well. I look to see who was shaking me and it was Henry.

"Y/N! Wake up!"

I sat up with Henry's help, but that's when I realized-I was in the middle of the pentagram.

"Ugh.. What happened?" 

"I don't know but the best we can do is press on and find a way out." Replied Henry

He helped me up and  picked up the axe. He cut down the wood blocking the door. As we walked down the hallway we came across a staircase leading down. We came across a shrine that looked like it was for Bendy with 'HE WILL SET US FREE' written on the wall.

"Hey! Check it out bacon soup!"

Henry picked up and ate some of the soup.

"Yeah like eating soup from a shrine is a FABULOUS idea." I remarked

"Well have any better ideas?"

I sighed, "Fine hand me a can"

He handed me a can. I quickly finished the soup. We walked around and noticed the abnormal amount of coffins around. We came across another cassette player and played the recording. I quickly recognize the voice as Sammy Laurence. But he was talking about his 'savior'. As we listened he seemed obsessed with his 'savior'. He reminded me of a yandere, doing whatever it takes to be noticed. As it ended he asked for an amen.


Henry shot me a dark glare.

"What? He wanted an amen."

He just shook his head and kept walking. Then another voice demanded out of nowhere,

"I said can I get an amen."

My tail and my ears shot straight up as Henry and I looked around in fear.

"W-who was that nya~"

"Probably Sammy"

"And probably wanted another amen nya~"


We walked down the hallway and noticed a pentagram right behind a Bendy cutout. It sent shivers up my spine. We eventually made it to a hallway which the floor was covered in ink. As we moved around it made loud sloshing noises. Then we noticed a man walking with a Bendy cutout. Henry spoke up, 

"Hello? Excuse me! Can you help us? Hello?"

We walked around the corner to follow the man but only to be met with a dead end.

"Where did he go?"

We came across a gate. 

"Alright so we just need to find some switches and redirect the power."

"Since when did you get so smart?"

"Shut up Y/N"

"Geez, I was only joking."

We walked back to the shrine area to see if we could find any switches. After a few minutes of searching I leaned my back against the wall. Suddenly I heard a 'click' sound. I turned around and noticed my head had hit one of switches.

"Well then, I guessed you used your head."

We walked around and found the other 2 switches. We walked back to the gate and Henry pulled the lever. It made a loud creaky noise before the gate began to move up. As it came to a stop we heard a loud groan. I gulped and looked at Henry who was just as scared as I was.

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now