Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

I woke up in a room, and there was lots of Boris posters. I noticed I was laying in a hammock. I got up and headed towards the door. Once through I wandered around the place. It had bathrooms, and it seemed like Boris was doing his own laundry. I went into the main room where I was greeted by Henry and Boris.

"Your up!" Replied Henry


I noticed the door to the exit. I walked over and noticed the lever was missing.

"Yeah I looked for the missing lever but I can't find it." Henry  responded annoyed

"Did you ask Boris?" 


Henry walked up to Boris.

"Hey buddy. Have you seen the lever handle around? Or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat?"

Boris nodded

"Ugh, that was my original thought."

I giggled. As Henry went to find some soup I sat on the other side of Boris. Like everyone in the workshop I was good friends with them until the day I had to leave.

"So Boris how have you been? Good?"

Boris simply nodded. He never was the talkative type. Suddenly Henry spoke,

"Hey Y/N why don't you help me make food for Boris!"

"Nah, and plus you said until I make you something to eat."


A few moments later Henry came back with some soup for Boris. Boris happily ate the soup and gave Henry the lever. Henry walked over to the lever holder and put it in. He pulled down the lever and the door opened.

"Well are you ready?"

"As ready as I will ever be."  I responded

We walked out the door and into the hallway.

"Stick together don't wonder off." Replied Henry

"Whatever dad."

"Y/N...." Henry growled

I giggled nervously.

"Let's go Boris." 

We walked further down the hallway but it started to get dark. Henry picked up a lamp on a desk nearby.  We walked into the darkness. My hair on my tail and ears were sticking straight up. Corks and other various machines were working and making very loud noises. And not to mention the ink leaking through the ceiling. Suddenly there were running footsteps.

"Did you hear that?"

Boris and I both shook our head no, not wanting to confirm what we heard. Henry chuckled nervously,

"Yeah. Me either."

We walked further until we ended up in a dead end. There was a door in front of us. We couldn't force it open so we turned to Boris.

"Any ideas?"

Boris simply walked over to a vent and crawled through. After a few moments the door opened. Henry and I walked through. We walked into a large room. In the center there was a large column. There was sign on the column that read 'Heavenly Toys'. There was ink leaking to the ceiling to the floor right in front of the column.

"Nothing in here is heavenly anymore." I replied sarcastically 

"Wait I don't remember any of this..." Henry muttered

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now