Chapter 15

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Your POV

I woke up to something soft underneath me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by clouds. I sat up and went to put my hand on my head when I touched something circular. I looked up and noticed that I had a halo on my head. My eyes widened and I sat up. No way...I'm actually dead? I looked around to see if anyone was near, but there was no one. I walked across the barren cloud land until I ran into a familiar face.


He turned around as fast as Flash,

"Y/N! Oh my god!"

He quickly ran towards me and enveloped me in a hug

"I'm so sorry!" I cried into his shoulder

"Its fine Y/N..."

I continued to cry into his shoulder until he eventually calmed me down.

"How did you get here?" He asked worriedly

I looked down in shame,

"I don't want to-"

"On my ink!" He said looking at my wrists.

He looks at me with sadness and worry in his eyes,

"You didn't did you?" He asked his voice shaking

I just looked at the ground tears welling in my eyes. Before I knew it Henry engulfed me in another hug,

"At least you're away from her." He muttered 

We eventually pulled away from each others brace but Henry kept me in his arms. I looked up at him with my red, puffy eyes,

"Come on," He said grabbing my hand softly, "There are people I want you to meet."

He lead me somewhere within the clouds. He led me until I saw more familiar faces,

"M-Mom, D-Dad?" I asked not believing my eyes

They turned around and ran towards me. Tears escaped my eyes as they tackled me into a hug. I laughed softly as they hugged the life out of me. They eventually pulled away and tears were visibly in their eyes,

"Y/N honey..." My mother whispered

"Its been too long mom..." I said looking at the both of them

My father put a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me,

"I'm sorry we weren't there sweetie..." He said looking at me with guilt

"Dad it wouldn't have mattered...she would have killed you anyway." I muttered as my ears flattened on my head

I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and I was pulled against someone's chest. I knew that it was Henry since he was the only other person around us. I looked down at the ground and my tail swished sadly from side to side. My parent enveloped me with another hug and I sat there in their embrace before they pulled away. Henry let go of my waist and I walked up to my mother and father,

"Did you see what she did?.." I asked

All they did was nod and look into my eyes. My father leaned down and put his hand on my shoulder again,

"Although I approve of your other suitor.." He whispered looking at Henry

I blushed and lightly punched his shoulder,

"Dad!" I whispered harshly 

He chuckled and my mother stood beside him,

"He's awfully cute Y/N!" My mother said smiling


My mother just laughed as Henry walked over to us.

"Everything alright over here?" 

"Yes sweetie everything is fine." My mother replies smiling

I blush while looking up at Henry. He suddenly softly grabbed my hand,

"Now I've already talked to your parent about this-" Henry said while getting on one knee

I gasped and covered my mouth since I knew where this was going. He pulled out a ring and looked me in my eyes,

"Y/N L/N will you marry me?"

My eyes filled with tears as I looked down at him,


He put the ring on my finger and puts his arm around my waist. He leaned down and caught my lips in a passionate kiss. When we pulled away I'm sure that my face was red as a tomato. I suddenly felt pain surge through my body and I hissed in pain. I went to fall backwards when Henry caught me in his arms.

"Whats happening?!" Henry asked. He looked at me terrified

"She must be bringing her back!" My father stated

"She can't! That's impossible! I won't let Alice have her! She doesn't deserve her!" Henry shouted while looking at me crying 

I felt my body slowly disintegrating. I put my hand on Henry's chin and brought him in for our last kiss.

"I-I'll see you-" He said but I couldn't hear him as I felt my soul sink beneath the clouds

I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I fell into darkness. 

Timeskip brought to you by chibi angel Y/N 

Your POV

I groan when the pain hits me all at once. I felt a soft surface underneath me as I struggle to wake up. Eventually I regain my vision and look at my surroundings. My heart sinks once I recognize Alice's bedroom. I looked down and see that my arms are wrapped in bandages. Tears well up in my eyes realizing that I'm stuck in this hell. I try to get up only to feel something restraining me. I look at my ankles and see that they were changed to the bed. My arms had chains on them as well-how did I miss that? Suddenly the bedroom door bursts open, and there stands Alice in her full glory. Once she sees that I'm awake her eyes widen and she runs over to me,

"Y/N! My kitten you're awake!" She cried grabbing my face

"Why Alice...why?..'"  I asked tears running down my face

Alice grabbed my face roughly and licked the tears off my face. Jeez, I just came back from death and she's already starting this?

"You are mine!" Was all that she said

She suddenly kissed me roughly not letting me protest. She pulled away and she had an obsessive look in her eyes.

"Please! Just unchain me!" I begged looking at her

She just smiled and looked at me,

"Now why should I do that? We plan on having a baby remember? Suicide isn't good for a future mother..."

"NO! YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS TO HAVE A BABY!" I yelled at her and I began to thrash trying to get the chains off me.

Her obsessive look changed into an angry glare. She grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. I let out a yelp since she was putting pressure on my wrists. With her free hand she stroked my tail,

"Stop trying to escape!" She demanded looking at me 

I continued my struggle until she pulled out a syringe with a weird translucent black liquid in it. She jabbed the syringe in my neck and emptied the continents in my neck. I suddenly felt very drowsy and my eyes began to flutter close,

"I'll make sure nothing can take you away from me. You are mine and mine alone. Not even death can take you away from me.


And that's a wrap! This was the last chapter of the book! What did you guys think?

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now