Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V

I woke up in a cage. I noticed it seemed to be a dog cage. I sat there for 30 minutes until I heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor. A few seconds later Alice Angel came into a room with a smile. Not a nice smile, but a creepy one. 

"How did you sleep my kitten?"

I didn't answer her. I could see out of the corner of my eye her smile faltering. 

"Kitten. I asked you a question."

She walked closer to me and she yanked on my ear.

"OW! Okay! Okay! I slept good!"

She let go of my ear. Her smile had returned. She walked over to a crate and pulled something out. My eyes widened as I saw it was a needle, a really big needle. As she walked closer to me I moved as far away from her as I could, before hitting the back of the cage. She unlocked the door of the cage. She grabbed my foot, pulling me out. She jabbed the needle into my neck.

"Sweet dreams my kitten~"

Timeskip brought to you be chibi Alice Angel dragging chibi Y/N

I woke up but this time I was strapped onto a table. The table was in a vertical position. It reminded me of when Henry and I saw  Alice torturing that butcher gang member. Henry!  I struggled against the strap trying to free myself. After a few moments I stopped. It was useless, the straps were just too tight. I saw that there were two doors. One on the left and one on the right.I looked around the room and I noticed Boris across the room. He was strapped to a table just like mine.

"Boris!" I whispered yelled

Boris lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes lit up with joy.  Suddenly we heard rapid footsteps. Both of our ears dropped knowing who was coming. After a few moments, the demented angel appeared. 

"Well it looks like your both up."

I noticed she had 6 metal rods in her hands. My eyes widened. She walked over to Boris. She smiled, while Boris was shaking with fear.

"Don't worry Boris, your going to make me perfect."

Suddenly she jabbed one of the rods into Boris' chest. I closed my eyes hearing the sound of the ink being pulled apart. 

"Kitten, your going to need to look." Alice stated

I shook my head no repeatedly. 

"Kitten. Look."

"I'm not going to look! You demented psycho!"

As soon as the words left my mouth I felt a dangerous aura surround Alice. I heard her walk towards me. I felt something cold against my neck. I opened my eyes, and I looked down to see a knife placed at my throat. I looked forward to be met with Alice's cold glare. She moved the knife away from my neck. I breathed a sigh of relief, but that was short lived. I watched as Alice stabbed my left hand. I screamed in pain. Tears leaked out of my eyes. Alice pulled the knife out.

"Oh Kitten, the fear in your eyes make you so irresistible."

Alice then licked up all my tears that came out of my eyes. I shuddered, her inky tongue didn't help anything either.

Once she was done she towards a crate and pulled out alcohol. She walked towards me. She took my left hand in hers and pored alcohol onto the wound. I screamed in pain, as she watched me with entertained eyes. She wrapped my hand in the bandages, and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. As she walked towards a control panel I looked at Boris. He looked at me with saddened eyes. I mouthed to him 'I'm so sorry'. Boris just looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

Suddenly Alice turned on the shocking mechanism. Boris wreathed in pain. After about a minute she stopped. I could tell Boris was still alive, his chest was moving up and down so he was breathing. Alice walked towards him with a scalpel. She dug the scalpel into his chest. His eyes shot open.

"This is what you get for trying to keep my kitten away from me Boris." Alice stated with venom.

I started crying as she dug out his inside piece by piece. I closed my eyes, but it didn't help. My ears picked up on every sound. After awhile I heard Alice move away from Boris. I opened my eyes and cried even harder. His chest and stomach were ripped open and his insides were missing. Alice walked closer to me and spoke,

"Why are you crying my kitten?"

"Y-you k-killed Boris nya~"

"I had to he was keeping you away from me. You are mine."

"I-i'm not yours nya~"

Alice just laughed. She grabbed my chin roughly.

"You are mine, Every strand of hair, every drop of blood, everything, belongs to me. And no one else can have you."

She kissed me roughly. She pushed her tongue through my lips into my mouth. She explored my cavern with her inky tongue before she pulled away from me. She opened her mouth to say something, but she suddenly shut her mouth and looked around with a glare.

"It seems that someone has entered my domain." She growled

She gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be right back my kitten."

And with that she left me in the room tied to the table. After about 5 minutes I heard multiple footsteps coming towards the room I was in. Suddenly I saw ink seep into the room. It was on the walls and the floor. Then I saw him.


Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now