Chapter 9

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I started to wake up in what felt like a really soft bed. I tried to move but the pain was too much. I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes. I noticed that I was in Alice's bedroom again. Suddenly the memories of the fight came flooding back.I looked down to see if I had anymore injuries. I didn't but I noticed something strange about my skin. My once vibrant S/C skin now had a grey tint to it. My veins seemed to be filled with a black liquid. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the door open and close.

"My, my~ seems like my naughty kitten is awake."

My eyes widened as I recognized the voice.  I painfully turned my head and there stood the devil in a dress. Alice walked towards me and sat beside me.

"And I LOVE this new look to you~"

"What did you do to me?" I asked

She giggled before responding,

"Since you were dying in my arms I decided to test my serum I was working on you. And it looks like it worked."

"What the hell was it made out of?" I asked scared

She smirked,

"Ink and some other ingredients. You know what that means?"

I shook my head no. She grabbed my chin softly with her hand. And leaned closer to my ear.

"That means your under my control like the rest of these ink creatures." She whispered  

My eyes widened. It couldn't be right? She's just joking. Suddenly Alice laughed,

"Oh Y/N the fear in your eyes make you so adorable."

I tried to move away from her but she grabbed my arm.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. Where do you think your going?"

She pulled me onto her lap and held me there. I tried to get out of her arms until she spoke up,

"Stop it."

Suddenly it was like my body stopped responding to my brain. I didn't feel in control anymore as my body stopped all of my movements. She giggled before she licked the side of my neck,

"Your lucky that I'm not going to ravage you today~" She said as she moved her hand to the inner part of my thigh. 

I shivered at her touch. She suddenly pinched my inner thigh and I let out a little kitten meow in surprise.


I felt Alice tense up, and I know it was not in a good way. I could feel her lustful desires from here. I gulped as she lifted me up and sat me facing her. I tried to avert my eyes from looking into her grey eyes as I could see they were running wild in desire. 

"Kitten look at me."

Once again my body moved by itself as I faced her. I felt her hands travel down my sides stopping at my hips. 

"Or maybe I should ravage you today~ Since you do need a punishment."

Suddenly I was on the bed with Alice on top of me. I felt her trail kisses down my neck stopping at my collar. She stopped but only for a second to take it off. She soon attacked my neck in fury of kisses. I bit down on my lip holding in my moans. I would not give this monster the satisfactory of that. She seemed to get annoyed that I wasn't letting out my moans because she soon started to nip and suck on my sweet spot. Eventually I couldn't hold my moans in anymore and they began to pour out of my mouth. 

She smirked and ripped my shirt open once again revealing another F/C bra. She smirked as she unhooked it and threw it to the other side of the room. I went to push her off but she grabbed my wrists and held my hands over my head. Suddenly she pulled out a belt and I trembled in fear. But instead of coming in contact with my skin I felt her tie my wrists together. Then she tied them to the bed frame. She then went back down to my chest and began to attack it. She licked and sucked on one breast while her other hand pinched the other now erected pink bud. Her tongue swirled around my left nipple as I sat there squirming. I felt my body betray me as I felt my lower region get hot. She then lightly bit me bud making me moan louder. She then switched buds and began to give the same treatment to my right nipple.

I squeezed my legs together and Alice noticed. She smirked and began to kiss down my stomach to the hem of my pants. She slowly pulled them off in a teasing manner. I whined signaling to her to hurry up. Once they were off she smirked at my wet panties.

"My my! Your really wet down here Y/N~ Did I turn you on that much?~"

I blushed beet red with the tone she used. My panties were off in no time and she lightly blew on my lower lips. I whined at the light friction. She suddenly plowed three fingers into me and thrust at a fast pace. She then forcibly kissed me and slipped her tongue into my mouth. Her muscle soon dominated my mouth and explored every inch of it. When she pulled away a thin trail of saliva connected our lips. She then licked her lips. She smirked as she felt me get close. But right before I was about to cum she pulled her fingers out. I whined loudly at not being able to cum. She got off me and walked to one of the drawers.

"You know I heard that other than fingering, humans also use this in sex."

Suddenly she pulled out a purple dildo. WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE GET THAT!?. I closed my legs as she removed her clothes and strapped the dildo around her waist. 

"Now now kitten behave."

I gulped and kept my legs closed. She walked towards me and forcibly kept my legs apart. 

"Where the hell did you even get that!?" I asked scared

"Well just like your clothes I went out and got it." She replied


She slapped me.

"Now that is no way to talk to your wife."

Then she suddenly thrusted into me. Tears pricked my eyes at the unknown feeling. My walls tried to compensate the size frantically while Alice continued to thrust. The pained worsened once she broke my hymen. I screamed in pain. She started to thrust faster as tears ran down my face.  I felt the knot in my abdomen get tighter and tighter. She began to thrust at inhumane speed and once she hit my g-spot it was over. I moan in ecstasy as I came all over the sex toy. She pulled out once my orgasm was over. I felt really sleepy and my eyes began to close. 

Alice smiled and kissed my forehead and leaned up to my ear,

"Sleep well. You'll need it for the second part of your punishment tomorrow."  

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now