Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V

"You didn't think it wold be that easy did you?"

Alice stood a few feet away from Henry and I, but she looked different. Her eye was fixed and her halo was now floating above her head. Her skin was a porcelain white and she wore a black dress that ended at her thighs. She also had black stockings on covering her legs, and high heeled shoes.

 She also had black stockings on covering her legs, and high heeled shoes

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"Now Henry I suggest you return what is mine." Alice stated with venom 

Henry sent her a glare,

"Y/N isn't yours, Alice. She isn't an object, she is a person. You can't just claim her."

I smiled at Henry's statement. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alice's right eye twitch. The she let out a psychotic laugh

"HAHAHHAHA!! Your funny Henry. Your right she isn't an object, but she's MY Y/N. If your not going to give her up then I'll just take her....over your dead corpse!!"

Alice lunges at us. Henry pushed me out of the way. Alice ended up tackling him. The back of my head had it the wall hard. As Henry and Alice fought I could easily tell Henry was losing. His nose was bleeding and I soon noticed a knife in Alice's hand. She stabbed Henry's leg and he let out a scream. Alice positioned herself so that she was straddling Henry.

"Now Henry your time has come!"

Alice raised the knife ready to kill Henry. I rushed towards them and tackled Alice. I punched her over and over and over. After my fifth punch I felt something grab my tail and throws me off her. My back collides with the wall behind me. I look to see what is was only to find an ink creature. Wait....I thought they were against her!  Alice chuckles after she sees my shocked expression. 

"Oh Y/N, since I killed Bendy the ink creatures are under my control. There too scared to fight me now." Alice smiled wickedly, "Now my servants seize them!"

Quickly many of the ink creatures appeared and charged towards Henry and I. I helped Henry up and grabbed a nearby plank. I fought them off as Henry got the exit door open.

"Y/N come on lets go!"

I turned around and ran to the exit door. Suddenly something grabbed my ankle making me fall face first into the floor. I look down to see one of the ink creatures had my ankle. More ink creatures grabbed my feet and dragged me backwards.

"Y/N!" Henry screamed.

"Just go Henry! GO live your life!" I screamed at Henry I saw sadness on his face.

He shut the exit door before any of the ink creatures could grab him. They continued dragging me backwards. Suddenly they stopped and their grip on my ankles were gone. I was flipped on my back and I was met with Alice's angry glare.

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now