Chapter 11

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It had been 3 days since my last punishment. The words on my stomach are healing relatively well. Alice never allowed me out of her site. I was with her all the time, it could be when she's torturing other ink creatures, or sitting on her ink throne. Wait...did I ever tell you guys about the throne? I'm gonna guess not. Well you see, she has an ink throne in the middle of her lair. But the ink she used to build it..well that's another story. That ink came from all the ink creatures she either killed or tortured to death. It makes me cringe whenever I see it, which was fairly often. 

Right now I was sitting on Alice's bed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror across the room and noticed something. My bright E/C eyes were now duller. Could she be breaking me? No! She couldn't have all I've been doing is giving...her...more attention. Well shit, seems like she is slowly breaking me. I looked back at the ground waiting for Alice to finish in the bathroom. Don't even ask me what she does in there. I don't know either, I'm not a peeping tom. 

Suddenly the bathroom door opens revealing Alice in her normal clothes. She walked over to me leash in hand. My cat ears drooped as she attached it to my collar. She tugged on it roughly making me follow her. She led me through the hallways towards her throne room. Once we entered she led me to my bed beside her throne. Once there, she connected my leash to the side of the throne. I let out a whine since I couldn't find a comfortable position. Alice gave me a glare that told me to shut up or else. My ears flattened and my tail went between my legs seeing her glare. I scooted away from her as far as possible. Her glare seemed to soften as I moved away from her. She went to reach out to me when the doors suddenly opened.

Alice turned her head to the noise. I saw there was one of her ink minions there standing at the door.

"What do you want?" Alice asked harshly 

The minion quickly moved to the bottom of the steps that led to her throne. He then got down on one knee and lowered his head.

"My queen, the gift is ready."

"Perfect. You are dismissed." Alice stated happily  

As the minion left the room, a smirk appeared on Alice's face. She unhooked the leash and made me stand up.

"Come now kitten, I'm sure the mention of a gift has you excited." Alice stated

I'm not excited at all. Whenever Alice says she has a 'gift' it always turns out to be something bad. She tugged on my collar, so I started moving. I didn't say a word as she led me through the endless hallways. Suddenly I felt her put something over my eyes. 

"Kitten this is to be sure that your gift is a surprise." Alice whispered 

After running into a few things we finally came to a stop. I heard Alice open a door and a smell hit my nose. I almost threw up. The smell was putrid almost like a rotting corpse. Alice led me further into the room towards the putrid smell.

"I hope your ready for your surprise kitten." Alice said while undoing my blindfold

Once the blindfold was removed, I saw the most horrific sight in front of me. There on a examining table, laid Henry's body. Except all of his organs were taken out and laid all across the table. Another thing I noticed was that his testicles were also on the table. I quickly ran over to a nearby crate and threw up. Once I was done I wiped my mouth and slid down against the crate. I sat there while Alice was speaking,

"Do you not like your present?" She asked

I didn't say anything all I did was stare at his body.

"You know, even though he tried to take you from me, he was still useful. His organs helped me understand human anatomy." Alice said

She began to trace her finger around the inside of his body,

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now