Chapter 14

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It has been a few days since Alice let me out of that room. And let me tell you something, I'm scared shitless of her. I'm becoming more submissive, and I hate to admit that. Whenever Alice slightly touches me I jump as abusive memories come into my mind. I always take my gaze to the floor whenever she looks at me, afraid that I'll see those same eyes from the room. She always asks me what's wrong and I tell her that I was fine and all that. She hates when I lie to her though, and I'm starting to think she's bipolar. One minute she is nice and sweet, and the next is abusive and angry. Right now I was laying down on the couch taking a cat nap until I heard Alice's footsteps. My heart beat quickened with fear as I heard her stop in front of me.

"Kitten wake up." Alice lightly shakes me as she speaks

I groan and opened my eyes,

"I'm going to walk around the studio okay?"

I just nodded and laid back down as she walked towards the door. She swiftly opened and closed it, locking it on the other side. I sighed and stood up and walked to our bedroom. I picked out a shirt and quickly took off my other one. My eyes drifted to my body as I saw its reflection in the mirror. Scars. That's all on my back and stomach. I turned my body so that my back was facing the mirror. My ears flattened against my head as I saw all the whip, cut, and stab marks. I turned back around to where my stomach faced the mirror. Alice's name was still carved into my stomach and the area around it had knife carved hearts by it. I felt tears gather in my eyes as I stared at my body. Eventually the tears was like a waterfall as I let them fall. I wrap one arm around my waist and put my hand over my mouth. This is what she's done to me, ruined my life, and destroyed my body. Eventually I stopped crying and put on my new shirt. I walked out of the bedroom and sat down on the couch. After a few minutes I heard my name being called softly, almost non existent.


I looked around the room confused. 


I stood up and looked around until my eyes landed on a knife that was sitting on the kitchen counter. As I looked at it the voice seemed to get stronger,


As I walked towards the knife the voice got louder and louder. I was staring at it as another voice came into my head,

She doesn't love you Y/N..she rather have you dead.

No that isn't true! I argued 

She thinks your useless, pathetic. 

I picked the knife up as the voice kept on insulting me,

Think about it...if she loved you would she do this? Kill the person you love, and destroy your body? Rape you? And abuse you over and over again?

I stayed quiet, the voice had a point. If she really did love me then why would she do those things? I examined the knife with an emotionless face when the voice came back,

Do it Y/N. She doesn't love you. She thinks your a pathetic, useless, ugly, waste of space whore!!!

I sat there as the dark thoughts consumed me. I clutch my head as they began to scream at me, telling me to kill myself. The voices are right, she wouldn't be doing this if she loved me. Well I guess she doesn't have to care for me anymore. She doesn't have to keep faking her emotions. I'm mean what's the point? My mother and father were murdered years ago. The rest of my family turned their backs on me after their death. Alice killed the only one I loved and she continues to beat me. So what's the point on living. I can finally die and be happy. I can see my parents and Henry again! I smiled sadly as I brought the knife to my wrist. I cut it and watched the blood flow out of the cut like a waterfall. I did the same to the other one and I watched some of the blood drip to the floor below me. Suddenly I heard Alice's voice,

"Kitten? Where are you?"

My eyes widened as she walked into the kitchen. I quickly hid my wrists behind me, so she couldn't see the cut and the bloody knife. She looked at me,

"Kitten are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah why wouldn't I?"

She sighed before looking at the floor,

"Look Kitten I wanted to-"

She stopped as she saw something on the floor. I followed her gaze and I saw a puddle of blood, well my blood. Suddenly my grip on the knife loosened and it clattered to the ground. Alice saw the knife and looked at me wide eyed. 

"Kitten show me your wrists." She said as she looked at me worriedly 

She slowly approached me and I picked up the knife again. 


Her eyes went to my bloodied wrists as the blood flowed freely. My vision began to get blurry as I stumbled. I still had the knife in my hand and I raised it to my neck. Suddenly my I fell and the knife fell out of my hands and skidded to the other side of the kitchen. Alice caught me in her arms as my vision started getting dark spots.

"Kitten stay with me." She said as she looked at me

She had tears in her eyes as she looked down at me. She ran to get a first aid kit and some more of the ink fusion blood. She came back minutes later and I was barely breathing. Everything had just gone quiet. I couldn't hear anything and the black spots had almost dominated my vision. I saw Alice look at me with worried eyes as tears fell from them. She kept saying something but I couldn't hear them. I felt my heart race slow down and I took my last breath before everything went black. 

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now