Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V

"Return to the lift my kitten and errand boy. We have work to do."

We walked back to the lift while Alice continued torturing the poor butcher gang member. After getting Boris we walked back to the main room with the 'She's quite a gal!' sign. Then her horrid voice spoke again,

"I'll make this simple. Look for the valve panels. Turn the little wheels. Then bring me their power cores." 

"Oh, and please don't make me regret sparing you. I can always change my mind."

Suddenly a tube opened revealing a plunger. Henry went up and grabbed it.

"Let's go Y/N"

As I got up to walk Alice spoke once more,

"No. The kitten stays here."

Henry glared at the door before speaking,


The board blocking his was suddenly dropped and he walked off towards the lift.

"You know there are so few rules to our world now. So little truths. But there is one rule we all know and respect down here. Beware the ink demon."

So as Henry walks off I'm left alone on the steps to a psycho's lair. After a few moments I laid down on the stairs and closed my eyes.

"Why are you so different?" Alice asked

"And what do you mean by that." I spat

"Oh? A feisty one are we?"

"I'm guessing I'm the first neko you have met."

"Yes, but I remember you from all those years ago. Bendy chasing you through the halls, trying to catch up to you. Your laugh was so innocent, and your smile could light up the night sky."

I blushed hearing her complementing me.

"But that was before you left. Before he lied to us."

Who is the 'he' she is talking about? Joey, Sammy, or perhaps Henry?

"Why oh why did you leave?"

This time her voice sounded closer, as if she was whispering in my ear. My eyes shot open only to be met with Alice's face right over mine.  With one hand she pins my arms over my head and she grabs my chin.  She chuckles before speaking,

"Hehe, your so cute." 

Her hand holding my chin travels up to my ears before gently rubbing them. The action made me let out a soft purr. Suddenly the rubbing stopped and my wrists were freed. My eyes opened but this time Alice wasn't there.

"What the-"

"Have you met him? The Ink Demon? They say he hears everything."

"I wouldn't run so fast if I were your friend. You never know what will draw him in."

My eyes widen fearing Henry's safety. A few minutes later Henry returns with the power cores.

"You're quite the efficient little errand boy, aren't you?"

Henry just walked up to the drop box and put them in.

"Have you seen them? The swollen ones?" Alice asks

"They're just stuffed full of extra thick ink. It makes me sick!"

Yet, you are made out of the same ink, I thought

"And yet..It's the perfect thing for keeping myself together."

"If you're going to catch them, you're going to have to move quietly. Here use this."

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now