Chapter 13

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I woke up in a pitch black room. Seriously-no light in sight. I really need to stop passing out first. I felt something cold and heavy around my arms and lower torso. I waited for my eyes to adjust to finally see what held me captive against the wall. My eyes widened as I saw it was a huge chain. Like two chain links was as big as my arm. Did Alice really think I'd be able to break normal size chains? My thoughts we're interrupted by a door opening and light poured into the room. My eyes could see a figure standing at the doorway. After my eyes adjusted to the sudden light, my heart sank seeing who it was-Alice. I grew nervous and scared as she walked towards me. Alice's bangs we're over her eyes, so I couldn't see her expression. I gulped before trying to speak,


My head went reeling to the left as Alice slapped me. I whimpered in pain as she glared down at me.

"I told you it would be the start of your submission didn't I?"

I didn't dare to look up at her. I kept my gaze towards the floor staring at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Look at me." She demanded

I still kept my gaze towards the floor. I felt her hand under my chin and she lifted my gaze so that I was eye to eye with her. 

"When I tell you something you do it." She said her glare intensifying

I just nodded my head to scared to do anything. She removed her hand from under my chin and I returned my gaze back to the floor. I heard her heels click on the floor as she walked towards something. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her walk over to a table. My eyes widened as I saw her grab a knife and a whip. I started to hyperventilate out of fear as she walked towards me. She bent down to where she was eye to eye with me. She stabbed me in the neck with a syringe as she began to unlock the chains. Once they were removed I tried to move my arms but I realized I couldn't. Alice realized my confusion and she looked at me with a blank expression.

"The serum in the syringe immobilized your limbs for a period of time." 

My eyes widened in fear as she took out her whip, still holding eye contact with me.

"Just so you know darling-this is going to hurt me more then it'll hurt you."

Alice raised the whip and brought it down on my legs. I screamed in pain as she brought it down over and over. Once she was satisfied with the whip marks on my legs she moved on to my stomach. She grabbed me by my cat ear and made me lie down on my back. She took out her knife and I tried to move away, but the serum had actually immobilized my limbs. She straddled my waist and lifted my shirt. She kissed where her name was carved and she began to lightly trace a heart shape around it with her knife. I gulped and my body began to tremble with every movement of her knife. She suddenly sank her knife in and started to carve a heart around her name. I whimpered in pain as I started to cry. As soon as the tears left my eyes Alice was there licking them off my face with her tongue. I tried to move my head away but Alice used her hand to grab my chin.

Once she had licked up all my tears she went back to carving the heart. I whimpered as I saw her lick up all the blood once she was finished carving on my stomach. She made eye contact with me as she licked my blood off her knife. Her eyes seemed opaque but you can see the madness swirling around in her eyes. She began to laugh hysterically as she crawled on top of me. Her crazy filled eyes met my scared one as she traced the knife against my jaw. 

"Oh the fear in your eyes kitten!~"

She suddenly slammed her lips against mine. I tried to fight her but it was futile. Eventually she forced her tongue into my mouth and she began to explore her territory. Once she grew tired of that she removed her lips from mine and flipped me on my back. I began to tremble in fear as I saw her raise the whip. I screamed as she brought down again and again and again. I felt my shirt rip after every hit. I lost count after 20 hits. Tears fell from my eyes as I whimpered.

"P-Please s-s-stop." My voice was barely a whisper

Alice stopped as I felt my blood trickle down my sides and onto the floor. Tears overflowed my eyes as all the pain hit me at once. I felt Alice staring at my abused form. I felt strength come back to my arms as I tried to crawl away. I suddenly felt Alice step on my back which in turn she stepped on several wounds. I screamed in pain as she dug her heel into my back. She made me flip over so that I laid on my back. I closed my eyes and hissed in pain as my wounds came in contact with the cold floor. I could feel Alice glaring at me.

"Open your eyes."

I kept them closed in fear.

"I said, OPEN YOUR EYES!" Suddenly she brought the whip down on my chest

I snapped my eyes open and looked at her through tear filled eyes. She dropped the whip and bent down. She gently cupped my face but I flinched away out of fear. She grabbed my chin gently and made me look her in the eyes.

"I believe you owe me something.."

I looked at her confused until it finally clicked-she wanted me to apologize. I didn't say anything and she started to look impatient.

"Well?" She asked coldly

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I w-won't cause a-another r-r-rebellion. I'll stay as y-your kitten and o-only y-your k-kitten."

She smirked but dragged me back to the chains. She wrapped them around me and locked them once again.

"Now I accept your apology still need to understand that you are mine and mine alone."

And with that she walked to the door and closed, with all light leaving with her. I sat there silently crying in the darkness with all the pain coursing through my body.

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now