Chapter 10

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I woke up in a iron tight grip. My legs felt sore after what happened yesterday. I looked down and I noticed Alice's arms around my waist. I looked behind me to see Alice's sleeping form. Her face seemed so peaceful when she was asleep. I tried to get out of her arms, but instead it woke her up. 

"Awake already kitten?~" She asked while stroking my tail. 

I didn't look at her. I felt her move and suddenly she was on top of me.  She grabbed my chin and made me look at her,

"I hope your ready for part two of your punishment." She said as she licked the side of my face

I cringed as I felt her tongue run up the side of my face until my eyebrow. She giggled as she got off me. She threw me a pair of my clothes. I was confused since I didn't bring any of my clothes with me,

"Alice?" I asked

"Hmm?" She responded 

"How did you get my clothes? I left them at my house."

"Oh, since I'm not depended on ink as much I went out and got them."

"Wait, How did you know where I live?"

"I have my ways kitten~"

I quickly put my clothes on. Alice walked up to me with the leash and collar in hand. My ears lowered to my head since I knew what this meant. No more leaving her side. She put the collar on me and the leash followed soon after.

"There we go~ Now you won't leave me~"

I sighed in defeat. She began to walk with the leash in hand and I followed her. She walked me out of the room and into the many hallways. She lead me to a room I didn't recognize. She opened the door and the only thing I recognized was a metal table in the middle of the room. Suddenly I remembered the room. It was the room where she had previously punished me with cuts and whips. I whimpered at the sight. She unclipped my leash and walked away from me.

"Now kitten go lay down on the table for me."

I didn't move. Alice turned to me giving me a glare.

"I won't repeat myself twice kitten." 

I trembled at her tone and I walked over to the table. As I laid down she strapped me in. Once all the restraints were in place she walked over to her control panel. She raised the table that I was on until it was completely vertical.

She chuckled as she walked towards me with a knife. I started to shake as she walked closer towards me. Once she was right in front of me she leaned up to my ear,

"This will be the one of the final parts as marking you as mine." 

She kissed my cheek as she lifted my shirt.  

"Now where would be the perfect spot be." Alice wondered

"Hmmm, Maybe here?" She said while kissing my stomach

My stomach was the only place that she left alone from the punishments, so it had no scars what so ever. I froze as I felt the cold tip of the knife right on my skin. I gulped and tried to move away, but the restraints were too tight and held me in place. Alice chuckled at my struggle. Suddenly she pushed the tip of the knife into my stomach slowly. I hissed in pain. Suddenly I felt her move the knife downward without pulling it out. I screamed in pain as the knife ripped my flesh open ever so slowly. 

Meanwhile Alice was smiling, loving my screams. I writhed in pain as she pulled the knife out. I could feel the ink/blood fusion drip down my stomach. She then put the knife in again and began to spell out something. Although she did it as slow as possible to bring me more pain. With each scream her smile seemed to grow wider. After what felt like a eternity she stopped. I tried to calm my breathing as she stood up. She licked her knife clean which made me shudder. Suddenly she began to trace the newly carved saying on my stomach,

"A...L..I..C..E...A..N..G...E...L." She spelled out

My eyes widened as I realized she just carved her name in my stomach. She then began to lick up all of the ink/blood fusion not letting any go to waste.

"Mmmmm...delicious." She said with half lidded eyes

She suddenly stuck her tongue into one of the carved letters. I screamed in pain as her tongue stretched my skin apart further. Tears spilled out of my eyes as she did that for every single letter.

"P-Please s-stop." I begged

She giggled and looked me in the eyes.  

"Oh I'm not even done yet." She smirked evilly 

 She walked towards her control panel. She smiled sweetly at me before pressing a button. Suddenly it was like my whole body was on fire. I screamed and writhed in pain as I realized I was being electrocuted. She kept n on for 2 more seconds, but it felt like a century. I could visibly see the smoke coming off my arms. I tried to take in as much air as I could before she electrocuted me again. After about a two second pause she electrocuted me once again. Only this time it lasted for about 5 seconds. I don't know how I didn't pass out from the pain. By the time she was done my whole body was numb. I couldn't move at all. 

Suddenly I heard the tapping of her heels on the floor. I couldn't lift my head, so I just sat there looking at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I felt her hand under my chin. As she lifted my head my nerves screamed in protest. Next thing I know I'm staring right into Alice's eyes. 

"My kitten can you hear me?" She asked

All I could do was nod my head. Suddenly she pulled on my right ear. I cried out in protest,

"Answer me with words kitten."

"Y-Yes I c-can h-hear you." 

"Good. Now I hope you learned your punishment."

"Y-Yes ma-am."

She raised an eyebrow. She tugged on my ear tighter,

"Now who do you belong to?"

"Alice Angel."

She basically pulled on my ear as I cried out in pain.

"That's not my name. Now who do you belong to?"

"M-My mistress." 

She smirked an kissed my cheek.


She released the restraints and I would have collapsed to the floor is she didn't catch me in her arms. Seconds later I passed out due to the pain. The last thing I saw was Alice smiling at me. 

Yandere Alice Angel x Fem! Neko ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now