Chapter 3 Keeping Secrets

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"Hey are you gonna tell me what you have been hiding all day?" Asks Ethan. I stare at him for a moment trying to figure out what to say.  He just looks at me with the 'oh you are so gonna tell me' look.

"Jess shouldn't we go get that frozen yogurt now?" I ask.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Jess exclaimed.

"Sorry Ethan got to go." I said as I turned around. He put his hand on my shoulder making me face him.

"Hey, I want to help not be the bad guy." Ethan says. I look into his beautiful brown eyes.

Ugh! You are not making this easy at all!

"What? No! Of course you're not the bad guy! It's nothing serious!"

"Fine. Go with Jess. I will call you later." Ethan says looking somewhat disappointed. I lean in and kiss him on the lips before I go to join Jess. As we walk away I look back at him, he's staring at me shaking his head. I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same.

Haha! Best boyfriend ever!

Jess and I had an awesome time at the frozen yogurt store then she drove me home.

Once we pulled into my driveway I thanked her and went inside. I checked the garage to see if my dad was home, his black car was gone.

Yay I have the whole house for an hour or so! Oh! Wait! I was going to go swimming!

I left a note on the kitchen table and grabbed my keys, purse and jumped into my white hummer. I sped out to the beach. Once I got to the beach I found an area with no one around and jumped in.

The ocean surrounds me. My legs finally get the weird feeling and my green tail reappears. First I start to flick it gently, then I start to flick it harder and faster. I was propelled through the clear water.

"This is so cool!!!" I screamed to no one really. This whole time I had held my breath, slowly I took in a breath and I didn't choke on the water! I started to do flips in the water. Small fish swam all around me tickling my tail.

I feel like the little mermaid. This is awesome!

I slowly made my way to the surface to see how far out I had gone. The land looked like it was three miles away.

This thing can go this far in that amount of time?!  I could go to Hawaii and be back before dinner!

Taking as much time as I could to take in the beautiful ocean, I swam back to shore. Beautiful fish swam along with me. An occasional dolphin came up to me. All the animals are so sweet and seem to really like me.

Once I was a short distance from the shore I popped my head out. Still no one had found my secret place. I swam to shore and dried myself off.

I got in my car and drove home hoping my dad wouldn't be mad at me. When I pulled into the garage I noticed that my car was still the only one there.

So I guess I am on my own for dinner! Yes go pizza!

I called the pizza guy and went to turn on the TV. The clock to my right read 6:30.

Where's dad he's never this late?

My dad works at a.... well to be honest I don't actually no where my dad works. He never talks about it or anything.

The doorbell rang and I went and paid for my pizza. I sat in front of the TV and began eating pizza, my very amazing pizza. The phone rang, I was expecting Ethan since he said he was going to call me tonight.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey honey. Sorry I am late. I assume you have already bought pizza?" My dad's voice came over the phone

"Yeah I hope that's OK?"

"Of course it is. Well I am not coming home tonight I have to get caught up on my work so I will see you when you get home tomorrow! Love you bye!" My dad says in a voice tone I can not decipher.

"OK bye?" With that we hung up. I shrugged and went back to my pizza. The rest of the evening was pretty boring. At around ten I went upstairs to get ready for bed. My cell phone rang, playing a random selection of love songs meaning that Ethan was calling.

"Hey!" I say into the phone.

"What's my pretty girl up to?" Ethan asks.

"Well I just finished my pizza TV marathon and now I am starting to get ready for bed." I can hear him laughing over the phone.

"So your dad's still at work?"

"Yep just me and my pizza."

"Do you want to go to Freddie's?"

"You are a mind reader meet you there in ten minutes."

"Okay see you then!" I hung up to phone and ran to the bathroom to make myself presentable. I looked decent so I brushed my hair and put on a layer of lipstick the flew down the stairs to my hummer.

Freddie's is my favorite place in the world other then the beach. It is the place Ethan and I go to all the time for our dates. You can't get much better than Freddie's.

Within ten minutes I was sitting in the parking lot waiting for Ethan's red Ford pickup. A minute later he pulled in and we both walked to the front door.

"So what will you be eating since I know you ate a large pizza?" Ethan teased.

"Custard. How about you?" I ask.

"Same." he replies.

"So what can I get you two?" Asks a brunette counter lady.

"Two vanilla custards with strawberries on top. And can I also get some water?"

"Is for here or to go?"

"Here" Ethan and I both reply in unison making us both laugh. Once we had our custards we sat down at our regular booth.

"So?" Ethan asks through mouth fulls of custard.

"Don't eat that to fast! You don't want brain freeze!" I scold.

"Sorry. What's new with you because I haven't had a lot of time to talk with you since you have been running away from me all day?" I laughed at his remark.

"Well my dad is at work and that is really the only thing that would even be remotely interesting." I chuckled.

"Fine so your not going to tell me why you have been acting weird all day?"

"No." I sigh.

"Ha! So you do admit your keeping something from me!"

"Dang it Ethan!" I yell. He puts his arm around my shoulders and laughs. "Well ha ha very funny." I pout. He kisses my forehead and I lean in to snuggle with him. We finish our custards and say goodnight.

This is getting harder and harder as the days go on keeping this secret from Ethan and I know he is not going to let it go.

Hey I hope you liked it! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been reading some of these stories. They are sooooooooo good! Well thanks so much for reading I really appreciate it. ~Starflower12359

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