Chapter 17 Memories

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(A/N so hi everyone I just realized that I need to change Emily’s age. Super sorry for doing this to y’all! Anyway Emily is actually 18!  Then Laura and Maddie are both 16 but take higher classes. So yeah sorry about that!)

 Ethan#bestboyfriendever: Can we talk tonight?

 Emilyglamgirlxoxo: When and where?

 Ethan#bestboyfriendever: Beach. Could we do ten or eleven?

 Emilyglamgirlxoxo: Ten works.

 Ethan#bestboyfriendever: See you then.

 Hmm? I hope he's not going to break up with me? I really don’t know what I would do without him.

 After homeroom I walk to social studies, no math! My schedule changes so much it’s hard to keep up with. Especially the school work! Don’t teachers have humanity?

 I enter the math room and take my seat; Maddie and Laura enter right behind me.

"Good morning class, as you all know we have a test coming up.” Test, oops missed that. “So today we will just be working on your study guides. Since this is the last test of the year, it will be your biggest grade.” Well that’s just great. She dismisses us to do our work and sits down at her desk. A student comes by passing out the study guides.  I glance at the work, the easiest things we learned all year this test will be a piece of cake.

I breeze through the study guide and still have a little over an hour left in class. Yay! Last test ever in high school!  Math always likes to drag on and on even when other classes are done.

Ugh! Now what do I do? I sat there bored out of my mind for five minutes then I had an idea, I have magic! But who to prank first? Ashley!

Ashley was sitting at her desk. She wore super short disgusting shorts and a crop top.  Her hair done up in a ponytail. There was enough makeup on her face to paint a picture. The perfect image of a high school slut.

I aimed my hand at her paper and it burst into a cloud of white dust covering Ashley’s face. She started to scream.

“Miss Ashely please, no screaming in my class! Now do you need a new study guide ?” My teacher inquired.

No! You know what I need, a plane ticket away from here!” Ashley yelled. Our math teacher rolled her eyes and handed Ashely a new paper. I blew up the paper the second it made contact with her skin. Ashely screamed in frustration and stormed out of the classroom. The class erupted in a fit of giggles, even our teacher was laughing.

Best. Day. Ever!

After math I met up with Jess and we went to Freddie's.

"So..... magic?" Jess said as we sat down.

"Yeah, " I breathed in letting the word sink in."My mom has been helping me!"

"Wow, I just can't believe that my best friend is a magical mermaid!" Jess shouts.

"Shhh!" I whisper. Several heads turn our way. I shrug and giggle trying to cover it up.

"Sorry!" Jess whispers back. We giggle and eat our food. Once we finish we head back to school for PE.

Ugh, I really hate PE. The worst part is that we have the super popular athletic boys. They make fun of any person who is bad. All of them practically own the gym. To make things worse our teacher is oblivious.

Jess goes off to change, we are still doing our swimming unit. Can't we just play dodge ball?

Soon everyone is doing their warm up laps. I stand far away from the pool avoiding all splashes. Ethan is no where to be seen.

After countless laps I tell everyone to go get dressed. Once the bell rings I hop in my car and drive home.

"Can we go do something?" My dad asks when I get home.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Mini golf?" I smile and nod and we go back out to my hummer.

When I was younger my dad and I always went no mini golfing. It was our tradition! Every Sunday right after church we would go. Then my mother died and we stopped.

We pull up to the mini golf place and buy our clubs and golf balls.

"Okay, lower buys ice cream!" I say smirking.

"You're on!" My dad smirks back.

We start to play. Both of us are really good so it's hard to not tie.

"Okay the winner is, me" My dad shouts in victory.

"No way!" I grab the card and sure enough he won by two points. We go to Cold Stone and I buy us both ice cream.

"We need to do that again!" Dad says. I nod and laugh at his enthusiasm. When we get home I go up to my room and pull out my lap top.

I scroll through my Twitter and Facebook, nothing interesting. The time is five, come on clock just turn to ten. I sit on my bed and doze off.

My phone beeps next to me saying I need to go meet Ethan. I redo my make up and make myself presentable then get in my hummer. My hands shake as I start the car.

I am scared out of my mind. What if he breaks up with me? What will I do? Could he really move on that fast? The questions swirled through my mind as I drove.

Ethan's pick up came into view and I parked next to it. Carefully, I walk down to the beach. I looked out at the full moon rising over the sea.

"Emily?" I hear Ethan say from behind me.

I turn to face him. He walks toward me and grabs my hands.

"Okay first off I am so sorry for running out on you at the party." I turn my head away recalling the horrible feeling I felt as he walked away from me. Ethan grabs my chin and gently moves my head so I am facing him again.

"Emily when I saw you as a mermaid, you looked so beautiful. It was to much to take in so I left. Now that I look back I see it was the biggest mistake of my life. I should have stayed and helped you. We have been dating for three years and I have never even thought of another girl." A small tear rolled down my cheek, Ethan whipped it away with his thumb.

"I am going away to college in August. I need you to know that every second I am there you will never escape my mind. Never forget about me."

"Where are you going?" I ask holding back more tears.

"Colorado. But I will only be gone for three years. Then I will be right here. Emily?"

"Yes?" I say looking into his bug brown eyes.

"I think at the moment we would be to young to get married, so this is the next best thing." Ethan gets down on one knee. "Emily I can't live without you. So I am giving you a promise ring. The promise is that when I come back from college we will get married. Even if I have to let you part time live in the sea. I love you with all my heart. So will you accept my promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die." I say softly crossing my heart. Ethan slips the ring on my finger. He picks me up by my waist and spins me around. We kiss for a long time. This is the best day of my life.

Hi everyone! I'm back! Sorry for not updating life just got complicated! So I get to update while I am in the car driving. Yay. So what did everyone think of Ethan's speech? Sorry I don't know what to call it. Well please vote! ~Starflower12359 <3

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