Chapter 4 Avoiding Water Or Not

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My eyes shot open.

I'm a mermaid. My dad is not home home and I don't know why. Ethan and I had an amazing date. I'm a mermaid. I ate a large pizza last night. I have to keep a secret for Ethan. I AM A FREAKING MERMAID!!

I got out of bed and took my bath making sure to scrub my tail good. Once I was done I started down and ate some frosted flakes. There was a knock at the door. I went to go open it. The second I opened it Ethan embraced me with a kiss.

"Good morning gorgeous," Ethan whispered.

"Good morning handsome. You are like the best boyfriend ever!" I squealed.

"So is your dad home?" He asks

"Nope, still at work. Why?"

"I want to have you all to myself. So shall we have our water balloon fight?"

"Of course then we can go to the beach!"

"What ever my girl wants. Now I will start getting the balloons filled you get on your bikini." Ethan chuckled. I flew up the stairs and got on my blue and white polka dot bikini.

I went to the back yard to find a giant mound of water balloons and a shirtless Ethan.

"If you keep staring at me you will be the easiest target." Ethan says breaking me from my trance. Heat started to burn in my cheeks. I snuck over to where the balloons were trying not to be seen by Ethan.

I gently picked one up and chucked it at his back.

"Oh! Well you asked for it!" Ethan started chucking the balloons each one exploding one.

Wait water! How could I be so stupid?!

"Hey be right back!" I shouted as I ran away. I reached the kitchen before I collapsed on the floor tail and all.

"You okay? Do I need to come in?" Calls Ethan from the back yard.

"No I just dropped something." I yell back.

You are so stupid! That was way to close!

I reached up and grabbed a towel on the counter and began to dry myself off a quickly as I could. Within a minute my legs were back. I ran to grab a towel for outside.

Well maybe I could use it as a shield!

"Okay. New game rules. Am using a towel and you can not argue with me."

"Fine, but it really won't give you much protection." Ethan laughed and began throw the balloons at me again. I deflected them with my new towel whip.

I feel like a ninja!

"Okay okay my little ninja. It's time for the beach!" Ethan laughed. He walked toward  me and grabbed my hand. I was pulled all the way to Ethan pickup.

When we reached the beach Ethan and I found a secluded area and set down our beach towels. I put on my sunglasses and started tanning. Ethan sat beside me. After ten minutes he got up and walked toward the water.

He didn't come back for a moment so I closed my eyes and started to sleep.

Cold water is poured on my back. My eyes fly open and I remember that Ethan can't know.

"Hey I got to go bye!" I called to Ethan over my shoulder. I dove into the water just as my tail was forming. Right away I started pumping as fast as I could. I stopped to catch my breath.

How far did I go?

Around me was a new rock formation I had never seen before. Slowly I circled it taking in every detail I could. There was little colorful fish swimming in and out of holes in the rock. I looked through one.

On the other side was a shipwreck. I looked at it for a moment examining it. A purple flash flew in front of the hole. For a moment it looked like a tail. I dismissed the thought and began to pump back to shore.

In no time I was peeping my head out of the water to examine the shore. Ethan had left and our area was deserted. I swam to shore and dried myself off with my towel.

Dang it, I should have driven my hummer because now I have to walk all the way home. But thank goodness that I only live like four or five blocks away.

I collected my things and began walking home. When I got home I home I was still alone.

Okay what the heck is my dad doing? He has been gone for like two days!

I tried to call his cell phone but no one answered. I checked my phone for texts or missed calls but still nothing.

Fine I'm a big girl I can handle myself!

The night was normal and at about ten I went to bed. It was peaceful being by myself and also super creepy.

My alarm beeped. Today was Sunday. Another day all to myself.

I am so going to the mall.

After a very long breakfast I hot ready and got in my hummer to go to the mall. Our mall is huge it has an amazing selection of  stores. My favorite one is Bath and Body Works.

When I entered the mall I want straight for clothes. Once I was done there I walked to the fountain. I stare next to it for awhile gazing at the crystal clear water. Some kids near me began splashing each other. One drop flew and fell on me.

I stood up as fast as I could go and ran to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom I grabbed a paper towel and scrubbed off the drop.

That was way to close.

I ran out of the bathroom and went to my car to get out of there. There was no way that I could stay.

I really need to focus on my surroundings because this is bad.

Instead of going home I went to the ice cream store. Anything to get my mind off of how much my life is going to suck avoiding water. Well I guess I will get used to Avoiding it but the first two or three months are going to suck.

When I got home I made my dinner and ate all by myself. Ethan never even texted back to see if I was okay. Why does being a mermaid and having a boyfriend have to be so hard.

Once I got ready I hopped into bed and stared at the ceiling thinking through everything.

Okay focus on your mermaid life. It may be easier. Just keep it away from everyone. How the heck am I going to keep it from Ethan? We do to many things go with water.

Outside the window the full moon shone through the window. It almost seemed to be calling me. I stood up and began walking to the ocean.

Hey! I hope u guys liked it! Can't wait to see what happens. Please comment! I want advice. Thanks for reading! ~Starflower12359

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