Chapter 11 You Can't Hide Forever

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I held out my hand concentrating on freezing the water. I took in a deep breath the closed my eyes. Slowly I opened my eyes, Maddie stood starring at the glass in shock. The glass was completely frozen over.

Laura squealed in delight. Maddie continued to stare in shock, small bits of anger crossed her face. They both looked up at me and realized I was starring at them.

"So you have your powers!" Says Maddie sounding a little mad. I nodded slowly, it still hadn't sunk in yet.

"Let's get some sleep!" Laura says. We all say goodnight then sleep.

I get up and change into my white skinny jeans and tank top.

"GOOD MORNING LADIES! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Laura and Maddie shot open their eyes and ran for the bathroom.

Laura came out and Maddie went in. We all went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast. Then we all got in my car and drove to school.

We said goodbye and went our separate ways. I started for homeroom.

I stare in my seat and starred at the white board. Next to me I heard a scream, one of the mean popular girls dumped water on a nerd girl. It bugs me so much when they do that.

Hey I have powers! Time for payback for all these years!

I pointed my hand at Ashley. She started to pour water on a nerd it froze in midair. The frost started to go all the way up Ashley's arm. She screamed and I started to laugh!

"Emily shut up its not funny!" Ashley yelled. Several kids took out their phones and started recording. I took out mine too!

"Oh but Ashley I think it is!" I screeched back.

"AHHHHH! My arm is frozen!" Ashley started running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Everyone in the class was recording and laughing.

Ashley screamed in frustration and ran out of the classroom.

I left class and started for my social studies.

When I entered I saw Ashley slouched down in her seat arms crossed a very mad expression on her face. I giggled and sat in my desk.

The fish in the tank to my right caught my eye.

I wish I could be in the sea right now!

Our teacher handed out a worksheet and had us work for the entire class.

A scream pulled me out of my trance, I hate social studies. Trish was screaming pointing at the fish tank.

I glances over at the tank, the water was boiling and streaming like crazy.

Could I have done this? But I do have to admit that's pretty cool.

I pointed my hand to the tank and willed myself to freeze the tank. Another scream brought me out of my thoughts. Trish had started to scream again signaling that the tank was completely frozen over.

How hard is it going to be to control these powers?

Our teacher dismissed us and called the custodian to come unfreeze the tank. When I left the room I started to laugh like a maniac.

Arms started to wrap around my waist.

"What did you do?" Asks Ethan.

"Nothing." I reply trying to contain my laughter.

Ethan rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. He charges down the hall.

"Where the heck are we going?" I say between laughs.

"You'll see."

We stop in an abandoned hall. Ethan walks me down then abruptly stops.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Ethan says nothing but wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. Our lips meet.

I love kissing Ethan.

After a long list we pull away.

I look over Ethan's shoulder and see that the water fountain is gushing water. My eyes widen in shock.

"Emily what's gotten into you?" Ethan says looking concerned.

"It's nothing but I have to go." I say and start running down the hall before the water can get to me.

"You can't hide forever!" Ethan yells behind me.

I am so sorry if this sucks. I just finished school and wanted to give you guys an update. Since I am put of school I will be posting faster and long get things. I also just figured out that I could type this on my laptop. I feel like an idiot for typing everything on the tiny keyboard on my phone. Idiot. So I would love it if you checked out my other books. Also please comment and vote please! ~Starflower2359

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