Chapter 6 Wait What?!

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I looked the green tailed mermaid up and down trying to make sense of the situation.

"Mom?!" I screeched. All the mermaids looked at me in shock. My mom's face looked pained as she flicked her hand and everything blacked out.

My eyes opened, I was back in my bed. All the pieces started to come back about last night. Just one thing didn't, my mind couldn't grip the face of the green tailed mermaid. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn't come back into focus.

I called Ethan to get me out of school saying that I was super sick. I had to think this out.

The only thing that might tell me what this is all about is that rock formation.

I hopped in my hummer and went to the beach. Right away I found my secluded spot and went straight into the water.

In no time I was looking at the shipwreck. I swam to the edge of the rocks. Last night the two mermaids disappeared into a hole at the very end of the rocks.

I went to the place they went in. It was covered! As if it never was open.

Could I have dreamt it? No it was to real! Then we're the hole! Ahhhhhh! This is so confusing!

For the next two or so hours I searched every inch of the rock looking for that entrance. Retracing my steps at least ten times.

This is so frustrating! I know I was here last night!

I stopped searching and went back to shore. I checked my phone.

Just as I thought: 'a where the heck were you today' text from Jess. 

I sat there on the beach and replied: Hey sorry was sick all day.

Almost instantly I got a text back: OMG! Don't scare me like that I thought that you were abducted by aliens! You're never gone. Do you need anything?

I laughed and replied: No thanks for offering! Sorry to scare you like that! Hey I will probably see you tomorrow!

I think that sounded believable. Hopefully! I can't do anymore followup questions! 

When I got home I saw my dad's jeep in the garage. I burst into the house.

"Where the heck have you been for the past like week?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Work honey just like I said earlier!" My dad screamed back. He came down the stairs and ran up to hug him.

"Hey I hope this was okay I felt really bad about leaving you here all alone." My dad whispered.

"No! It was fun! How was work?"

"Interesting. I think we should talk about it over noodles. I'll call the Chinese place?"

"Perfect! Just what I was in the mood for!" My dad called our favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered noodles. It was just like old times! The noodle man got here and we sat down to eat.

"So what did you do on your work retreat?" I teased.

"Well we had to stay at a hotel and have conferences all day!" He said acting like it was the worst possible thing ever.

"What were your conferences about?"

"Well we are trying to get a grant to make our 'save the ocean' company go green."

"Do you think that you will get it?"

"I think do we put on a pretty good show!" He laughed.

"Well I hope you get it. Hey I should go up to bed I have school tomorrow blah!" I said as I stood up.

"Okay goodnight." He came up and kissed my forehead before disappearing into the TV room.

I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. Maybe a good night's sleep will explain a lot more.

Hey hope you guys like it. Sorry haven't posted for awhile school :( Please comment and vote!~Starflower12359

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