Chapter 9 The Storm

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I looked out the window at the white jeep.

Why the heck is this person following me?

I got ready for bed, maybe they would be gone in the morning.

My eyes opened and I looked out the window at the beautiful sun rise. The street below was deserted except for a white jeep. 

Oh yeah there is a random car following me! How much better can this get?

Once I had taken my bath I went downstairs to eat. My dad greeted me and gave me a giant stack of pancakes. One thing I have learned is that I can eat anything then work it off swimming.

"Have a good day dad!" I said as I walked to my car.

"You too honey!" I got in my car then called Ethan asking him if he needed a ride. He said yes so I drove to his house.

"Thanks for picking me up!" Ethan says.

"Oh no problem! I have all my classes with you today so yeah I thought we could spend the whole day. Except for the afternoon I have some stuff to do with my dad."


I hope that was believable I really need to swim off those pancakes. I also need to see if that hole is back.

We sat through the rest of the drive is silence. I pulled up to school and Ethan and I walked in hand in hand.

Once Ethan and I had grabbed our books from our lockers we walked to biology. I really do hate biology. To make things worse we have to dissect eye balls! Great!

"Okay class are you ready?" Asks Mrs. Johnson. The class mumbles various answers. Most people think it's to early to be thinking. Maddie and Laura looked like they were going to puke. I started to giggle at their pale faces.

"Okay class get with your partners and come up to get your eyeball."

"Partners?" Asks Ethan.

"Of course!" I beam. Ethan walks up and gets our eye while I get our table.

"When ever you are ready you know what to do so go straight ahead." Mrs. Johnson yelled over all the commotion in the room. Ethan began the cutting which made me want to puke.

"Hey, you okay? You are super pale. " Ethan looked at me concerned.

"No I just don't think I can touch that thing without puking."

"It's okay I can do the cutting and touching if you can answer the questions!"

I giggled and started on the questions.

"Okay everyone I will see you next class and we can finish this."  Ethan and I went through the rest of the day with smiles on our faces.

"Have a goodnight!" I called to Ethan as he got out of my car. He waved as he walked to his house. I started to drive to the beach.

When I got to my special spot I dove right in. The water felt great! I swam my hardest to work off the pancakes to the rock formation.

The hole I saw in my dream was still closed.

Was that really a dream? It felt to real!

I swam over to the ship wreck and began examining it. It sort of looked like the one from the little mermaid.

Haha! I totally could be the little mermaid. This is so cool.

I looked through the ship, it seemed to be really old.

All of the sudden a giant force pushed against the wall of the ship.

"What the heck?" I screamed.

I began to swim up to the surface but was pushed down again.

There must be a storm. How the heck am I going to get back to the beach.

Then I was pushed toward the shore. I tried to fight it but there was no use. The waves kept coming pushing me closer and closer to shore.

I finally washed up on shore. I looked around, two girls stood staring at me. They came closer to me. It was Laura and Maddie.

"You're a mermaid!" Laura screamed over the wind.

Haha! Cliff hanger! I am so sorry if this chapter sucked. I really wanted to give you guys and update. Please don't hate me! Ahh I feel bad! Well I hope you guys check out the new story I will be posting called selected. It's not up yet but it will be soon! Goodbye darlings. ~Starflower12359

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