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A/N: Hi, I'm a mess. I can't stop deleting and uploading :) :) :). But this is an unfinished story that I've really liked for a long time. I've always been wary about uploading it though, since it's an AU with scientific aspects. Basically, I pulled some unrealistic shit out of my ass and turned it into a story. But the more I go back and reread it randomly, the more I kind of like it. I think it's cute and entertaining, but still has that Marble-and-Blackstar Sad Charm. What more could you ask for? (consistent updates). Anyway, bear with me.

Chapter 1

I smiled as I looked down at the precious man lying in the bed next to me. Sure, things weren't always perfect between us, but when things were good, they were really good.

I leaned down and kissed his cheek, smiling as he began to stir. He squinted up at me, "What's wrong?" Braden inquired.

I pouted slightly, "Nothing's wrong. Do you know what today is?" I quizzed.

"Friday?" He asked groggily.

I stifled a smirk. He probably had a surprise party planned, just like last year. He would pretend not to remember that it was my birthday, and then I would come home from work and all of my friends would be here waiting to surprise me.

"Yeah, good job," I replied before smiling and climbing off of the bed.

"Hey, are you working today?" He questioned.

I tried to hide my excitement as I turned back towards him, "Yeah. Why?" I asked cheekily.

"Just wondering," he replied nonchalantly. "Can you make me some eggs?"

"I have to get ready for work," I reminded him before going into the bathroom.

"Please," he whined.

"Can't you make them yourself?" I suggested.

He made a whiny sound. "You make them better," he countered.

I chuckled softly before beginning to get ready for work. About 45 minutes later, I was pleased enough with my appearance to go make Braden some eggs.

Once I finished them, I put them on a plate and headed back into the room. "For the king," I crooned as I sat on the side of the bed and handed him the plate.

I'd gotten used to not expecting a "thank you", and I'd learned to accept it. He just wasn't quite as sappy as I was.

"Don't they say that white makes you look fatter?" He inquired carelessly as he forked eggs into his mouth.

I looked down at my white sweater and frowned slightly. I'd been trying to lose weight for over a year now. I was finally getting there, but there was a little left to lose.

"Should I wear something else?" I suggested.

He glanced back at me for a moment, before focusing on his eggs. "Yeah, probably," he replied with his mouthful.

I nodded before going over to my wardrobe to find something a little more...slimming. I went with a black button up, since they say that black makes you look skinnier.

I put it on before looking myself over in the mirror. I smiled before smoothing down the shirt and sucking in my stomach a little bit.

Almost there.

I sighed before going back out and sitting next to Braden, "I should get going," I muttered.

"Alright. See you tonight," he stated before pecking me on the lips.

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