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My first thought was that he was psychotic, but he didn't make any move to come towards me. He just stared at me.

Not gonna lie, it was a nice view, but it was definitely strange.

I reached into the backseat and grabbed a blanket, before cautiously getting out of the car. Maybe he was hurt or mentally unstable? Maybe, I was the mentally unstable one for approaching a naked man in the middle of nowhere.

"Are you hurt?" I questioned.

He didn't respond. He just wore a blank expression. I was having second thoughts about approaching him.

"Can you talk?" I tried.

Silence, and more staring. To say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Maybe he was a mute.

I awkwardly glanced down, and swallowed nervously. I extended the blanket out towards him. He didn't even reach for it.

I didn't know what his problem was.

"This will warm you up," I offered, less surprised when he didn't respond.

I bit the inside of my cheek and took another step closer, before reaching up and draping the blanket over his shoulders.

I let go, and watched as the blanket fell from his shoulders and onto the ground. I sighed, annoyed that I didn't know how to communicate with him.

Maybe he didn't speak English.

The smart thing to do would've been to get back in my car and drive away, but it felt wrong to just leave him here.

I knelt down, avoiding eye contact with his...package, before picking up the blanket.

Maybe if I showed him, he'd understand. I put the blanket around my shoulders and pulled the corners together to keep it secure. "See?" I tried, before moving my hands to draw attention to them. He looked at my hands, before looking at my face again.

I pulled the blanket from my shoulders and draped it over his shoulders again. His hands slowly reached up and grabbed the corners of the blanket and held it secure. Thank God it was long enough to cover...all...of him; making it slightly less awkward.

I smiled proudly as I pulled my hands away.

"See?" He repeated, smiling warmly.

I nodded, "Do you need a ride to the hospital, maybe, or to your home?" I offered.

Back to the Silent Game. I don't think he spoke English, but he also seemed lost.

I took a deep breath before holding out my hand. The poor guy just needed some help. He simply looked at my hand, and then back at my face.

"It's ok. You can trust me," I assured him as I wiggled my fingers a bit. I pressed my lips together and brought up my other hand. I pointed at him, before grasping my hand with the other.

"See?" I asked before letting go and holding out my hand to him again.

He released the blanket with one hand and extended it towards me. I smiled reassuringly before grabbing the blanket before it could fall. I maneuvered the corner of the blanket into the hand that was holding the other corner.

I then looked at his still-extended hand before he grabbed my hand gently. "See?" He parroted again, and I nodded.

"Yes, good job," I assured him. I started to walk back towards my car, but came to a halt when he didn't budge. He kept my hand in his and continued to stare at me.

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