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I sighed in frustration before getting an Uber. While we waited, I called a tow truck and tried to determine how much it would cost. I sold them some bullshit story about how my door magically fell off.

I paced around and was going through it, but Scott just stood there, asking if I was alright. He understood enough to know that I was upset, but he couldn't seem to comprehend why I was upset.

I didn't mean to be mad at him for this, he literally didn't know any better. He may have looked like an adult, but he had the mindset of a child.

At the time though, I didn't see a reason not to be mad at him.


"I'm upset, yeah. I know. Don't talk to me," I snapped at him angrily as I continued to pace around.

He frowned slightly. "I did not intend to be—"

"Shut up, Scott, ok? I don't care," I cut him off.

He blinked a few times, but didn't show any signs of sadness or hurt from my harsh tone, which is the only reason why I didn't feel guilty about it.

By the time that the Uber arrived, I'd cooled down a bit. When he asked for an address, I nearly gave him Kevin's address, but just a glance at the blond giant next to me was enough to change my mind.

He was just trying to protect me.

The ride was spent in silence. Even the first few minutes back into the apartment were silent.

"Wanna watch TV?" I asked Scott once I'd changed into my pajamas.

He just stood in the living room, staring at nothing, not answering. I plopped down on the couch, "Hello, Earth to Scott?" I tried.

He flinched and looked towards me.

"Wanna watch TV?" I repeated.

He just nodded, but made no effort to sit down.

At first I thought he was just giving me the silent treatment, but then I realized I didn't even think he knew how to do so.

I'd told him to shut up, and he obeyed.

I sighed, "You can talk. I shouldn't have told you to shut up, I was just stressed. I turn into a diva when I'm upset," I explained.

He looked at me again, "I apologize for causing you stress."

I was about to deny it, but he knew when I was lying. I patted the area next to me, "Come sit," I instructed, and he obeyed.

We sat watching TV for about an hour. I found it cute how Scott would get confused about things that happened in cartoons. I loved having to explain and see him get more confused.

But then he had to go and ruin things again.

"Have you eaten dinner?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not hungry," I replied before regretting it.

"You're being untruthful again," he stated simply.

Honestly, I was letting what Braden said get to me. I still needed to lose weight. No one would want me if I didn't.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, focusing on the TV. I was hoping Scott would drop it.

"If you are hungry then why won't you eat?" He questioned, sounding as confused as he had all evening.

"I'm trying to lose weight," I replied simply.

I could see his confused look out of the corner of my eye. "You contain a healthy BMI. You're nearly underweight for your age and height," he informed me.

I gave him a lazy shrug. "I just need to lose a few more pounds," I replied calmly.

"If you lose more than 2 pounds you will be underweight. Being underweight can lead to dizziness, nausea, fatigue, shakiness, weakness..." he recited.

"Its fine," I cut him off in a frustrated tone.

He mimicked me, pulling his knees up to his chest as well. Instead of looking back at the TV, he just stared at me quizzically.

He stared at me for a full minute before I broke. I looked towards him, "What?" I exclaimed abruptly.

"I'm confused as to why you wish to starve yourself. I am also torn. It is my duty to make sure you are healthy, but I must also abide by your wishes," he explained.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not starving myself," I replied. We both knew it wasn't true, but he didn't point it out this time, "I'm healthy, you said so yourself," I reminded him.

"Not eating will make you unhealthy," he pointed out as he rested his chin on his knees.

I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, "I'm going to bed," I declared before dropping the remote and standing up.

Scott stood up as well without a word and followed me into my room.

I didn't say anything as I crawled into bed and hid under the covers.

"I apologize for upsetting you," Scott whispered.

I was only upset because I knew he was right.

"Goodnight Mitchy," he murmured.


I glanced over at Scott who just sat on Kevin's couch, looking around curiously, before looking back at Kevin, "So, I just wanna know more about him. I know, it's pointless because that part of him is gone, but I'm just curious," I explained.

Kevin nodded, "That's understandable, for you to be curious. Scott—"

"Wait, his name was actually Scott?" I cut him off.

"I made the acronym to fit his name," Kevin replied with a shrug. I nodded and let him continue. "Anyway, he was possibly the nicest person I knew. He was always helping others, and I never saw him be spiteful or rude. That's why it astounds me that someone would hurt him," he explained sheepishly.

I frowned slightly and looked at Scott again. He seemed like one of those big-hearted saps, and that made me feel warm inside.

I continued to listen to random stories, laughing at some of his quirks. The more Kevin talked, the more I regretted coming here.

Scott sounded like a wonderful person, that I would've easily been friends with.

I got lost in thought. He was living with Kevin for a while. I'd been friends with Kevin since he moved to LA, yet I didn't even know he had a roommate for a short amount of time.

What if we had met sooner? What if I could've stopped him from getting killed?

What was wrong with me?

I was developing feelings for a robot. A robot who could never reciprocate said feelings. I was pathetic.

Was that gonna stop me? Probably not.


Later that night after work, we reclaimed our nightly routine of watching TV. I glanced at Scott, knowing he'd be ok with it, before I crawled over and snuggled into him.

Even if he didn't reciprocate, it felt nice to snuggle into someone again.

"You are excreting higher levels of dopamine. You are experiencing attraction?" He questioned in a confused tone.

I instantly flushed red, but made no effort to pull away from his warmth.

"Apparently I am," I murmured. There was no use lying to him. I glanced up at him to examine his reaction, but he just smiled, and focused back on the TV.

I smiled as well, and did the same.

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