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A/N: Ok this chapter involves Scott talking about his past, so don't expect a happy chapter lol

"Are you sure that Scott's okay with just sitting in your room while we eat?" Nel asked worriedly before taking another bite.

I shrugged, "He doesn't have much of a choice. It's better than him sitting here watching us eat," I pointed out, and she nodded in agreement.

"So, how did you come across a robot boyfriend?" Mike inquired curiously.

I thought about it for a moment, trying to find the best way to explain it. "I was driving home, and he was in the middle of the road. I took him to the hospital to figure out who he was. Once I traced him back to Kevin, I decided to let him stay with me," I explained cautiously. I wasn't sure how to explain the whole 'claiming' thing, so I kinda left it out.

"You let a stranger live with you?" Nel interrogated.

I pondered it for a moment, "You see, Kevin created Scott to protect whatever human he 'bonded' with, and just my luck..."

"I see..." Mike noted before exchanging a look with Nel.

I cleared my throat at the uncomfortable silence. "So, enough about that, how have you guys been?" I asked desperately.

Once dinner was over, I informed Mom and Dad that I'd promised to take Scott to his old house.

"So, did you wanna see your house to reminisce good memories, or are we going so you can beat yourself up some more?" I inquired, glancing over at Scott in the passenger seat.

"Yes," he replied simply, making me roll my eyes.

I shrugged, "I mean, it wasn't a yes or no question, but okay."

"I know," he assured me before looking back out the window.

I drove in silence for a few more miles until we ended up in a nice looking subdivision. He directed me toward a house near the end of the street before instructing me to pull over.

It was clear, just from the looks of it, that it was abandoned. There was a bulky lock on the front door, but it looked like it'd been tampered with.

I expected Scott to get out immediately, but he sat in the car, staring at it for a few moments.

A while passed before he finally got out, and I followed suit. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I followed close behind him. He came to a halt on the walkway that led to the stairs up to the front door.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as well, staring at the house. I stood next to him, before glancing at him and then at the house.

We stood in silence for a while. I wanted to say something comforting, to ease the somber look on his face, but nothing felt right.

Scott didn't make any move to look at me before he started speaking. "It was about a month after I started working for Ryland. I was supposed to service this customer, but he wanted to get me drunk first. He forced me to drink too much in a short period of time, and I freaked out," he started explaining.

An aching formed in my chest, and I wanted to stop him from reliving his awful past, but sometimes letting things out into the open made it easier to cope.

He let out a shaky breath. "I hit him, and started yelling. He got upset and called Ryland. Ryland came to pick me up. The customer left the hotel room. Ryland was pissed. Losing a customer, meant losing money. He smacked me around a bit while he lectured me. I lashed out and tried to fight him. I got ahold of his knife. Did you see the scar next to his ear?"

I swallowed nervously, but nodded.

"I swung at him, leaving him with that, and that pushed him over the edge. He hit me until I stopped fighting back, before taking me back to his place and locking me in the closet. The next night..." he looked toward the sky for a moment, blinking a few times before looking back at the house. "He sent someone to kill my parents. A bullet to the head for each of them while they slept. I was with a client when it happened, so I didn't know. The police cleared the crime scene throughout the next day, and locked up the house."

The house began to blur as tears threatened to fall. I wanted to make him stop, but I knew it would be useless.

"That night Ryland brought me here. He broke the lock and took me to my parents' room. The bed had been stripped, so it was just a cold, stained mattress. ...He made me serve the next customer on their bed. I begged him to kill me that night."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, praying that he was done talking about it.

"I wanted nothing more than to feel human again. Instead of feeling hollow. Like my only purpose was to suffer and be stuck with Ryland for the rest of my life. So, I ran. He tried to kill me before I ever got to feel human again, so I went to Kevin. I wanted to feel even the smallest shred of humanity. Even a taste of a life worth living. I didn't think I'd ever get that again."

I opened my eyes again, blinking back a few tears.

"No, Kevin. I...I don't wanna be a robot anymore. I'd rather go in there and let Ryland kill me than not be able to feel human."

It hurt even more now.

"But then I met you."

It felt like my heart stopped for a moment. I looked up at him, meeting blue eyes, as he looked at me for the first time since we'd arrived. I looked at him sheepishly, taken aback by his words.

"You were the first thing in almost 5 years to make me feel like I had a purpose. Watching you get more and more made me feel like maybe I wasn't as unlovable as I thought. Maybe I wasn't a pathetic, disgusting waste of life," he explained, looking at me adoringly.

A few tears finally spilled over as I reached forward, wrapping my arms around Scott's waist. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me protectively.

We stood there for what felt like hours, before Scott finally pulled away. He gave me a sheepish smile, before kissing my forehead.

"Promise you won't leave me?" he asked in a soft tone.

I smiled at me, "I wouldn't dream of it," I promised.

A/N: :)

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