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  "How does your stomach feel?" I asked after I stepped out of the bathroom the next morning.

"It hurts," Scott choked out sadly, placing his hands on his stomach.

I frowned, "We'll talk to Kevin, don't worry," I stated reassuringly.

He stood up, and leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Honey what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head, "I feel unsteady," he informed me.

I nodded, "Come on, we're going to Kevin's," I declared as I held out my hand. He grabbed it willingly and let me lead him out of the room. He was unsteady as he walked.

I eventually got him into the car, starting to feel overwhelmed with worry. He had to have had some of the water. That was the only explanation I could come up with.

I felt guilty. I shouldn't have even let him take the water in the first place. I had one job, and I fucked it up.

He'd only been with me for about 2 weeks, but I couldn't bear to lose him. I was too attached to him.

I basically sprinted up to Kevin's door, dragging Scott along with me. I didn't bother to knock, and just let myself in.

"Kevin!" I called out.

"Mitch?" He replied as he appeared at the top of the stairs, "What're you doing here, is everything alright?" He asked.

I shook my head, "He said he stomach hurts and he's unsteady. I think he may have consumed some water. I didn't stop him fast enough, I'm so sorry," I rambled in a slight panic.

Kevin came down the stairs, "Calm down," he instructed calmly before standing in front of Scott, "If he'd consumed water, he would've shorted out entirely, so it isn't that. I'll run a scan. It could just be a faulty wire," he suggested.

I nodded, "Ok," I replied.

"I know you didn't mean for it to happen, but you have to keep a better eye on him. He's capable of protecting you, not himself," Kevin informed me firmly.

I nodded again, "I know, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," I promised.

"Good," he stated before smiling, "Come on Scott, we're gonna take a look," he stated before motioning towards the stairs into the basement.

I instinctively grabbed Scott's hand before following Kevin down the stairs.

I stood aside as Scott laid down on the operation table. I watched diligently as Kevin moved an x-ray over him.

"How much of him is human?" I blurted out.

"Everything from the neck down, except for some machine parts here and there. The head is all machine except for a small portion of his brain so he can comprehend human emotion to care for his human," Kevin explained.

"If he's mostly human then how come he can't eat or drink?" I asked curiously.

"All of his organs are present, but a lot of them have no use anymore, so they don't affect him. He only uses his heart and lungs now. I disabled his stomach, so he doesn't need food. Food would destroy the parts in his torso. He has no way to excrete liquids, and water would ruin his system as well," he continued to explain.

I nodded, but didn't say anything else.

Kevin shook his head, "I don't see anything out of place," he informed me.

I pressed my lips together and approached them before looking at the results, "Then what's wrong with him?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure. Scott, can you explain the pain in your stomach?" Kevin questioned.

"I don't know how to describe it," he murmured, looking up at Kevin.

"How much does it hurt? Let's go with a scale from 1-10," he suggested.

"6," Scott replied, but it was more of a question.

Kevin sighed, "I think his system just may be a bit shaky. Once it re-circuits, it should be fine. Keep me updated. It might be something deeper," he advised.

I nodded, "Alright, thanks anyway. Come on Scott," I instructed.

"Wait, Mitch, can I talk to you for a moment, alone?" Kevin asked.

I glanced at Scott, before looking back at Kevin, "Ok. Go wait in the car, I'll be out in a minute," I instructed.

Scott glanced in between us warily, but obeyed without question.

"He's not fully a human," Kevin started as soon as Scott was gone.

I already hated this conversation, "Kevin..."

"Don't 'Kevin' me, I'm not blind Mitch. Don't let yourself fall for someone who's incapable of reciprocation," he ordered softly.

"I'm not—" I cut myself off when he raised both eyebrows at me. I sighed in defeat, "I know, it's stupid," I muttered.

"No, it isn't stupid. It's a normal human thing to be attracted to someone, I just wanna remind you that it'll remain one-sided," he reminded me.

I nodded, "I know, I know," I assured him.

He nodded and gave my shoulder a squeeze, "He's maturing. You can probably leave him home alone now. Go out and have some fun," he advised.

I chuckled, "That's a great idea. Thanks KO," I stated cheekily before giving him a quick hug and leaving.


The plan was to go out, get a little tipsy and go home with a cute guy.

The plan was not to go out, get completely hammered, and come home alone.

I'm not sure how I made it home, but there I was.

"Scott!" I called out before closing the door behind me, "Scott Scott Scott!" I repeated.

He looked up at me from the couch before standing up.

"There's ma boy!" I announced before striding over to him.

"You're intoxicated," he informed me blankly.

I laughed. "I am living!" I assured him.

"Would you like me to make you some coffee to help with sobriety?" He asked me.

"No!" I whined, "I would like you to kiss me," I quipped mischievously.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, unsure of what that even meant.

"Here, I'll show you," I replied before placing my hands against his neck softly, and pressing my lips to his.

I got a little frustrated when he just stood there and didn't move.

Right, he was a robot. He didn't do affection.

" what I do," I demanded pathetically.

My eyes widened when he actually complied. My arms were in way, so his hands settled for my shoulders, but he moved his lips against mine softly and closed his eyes.

He was kissing me.

Albeit, he only did it because I told him to, it was enough for right now.

I was taken aback when he pulled away and took a step back, holding his hand over his heart. He looked confused.

If I was sober, I probably would've asked him what was wrong, but I was drunk and selfish.

"Why'd you stop?" I whined.

"Mitchy, I'm not a human, but—"

I groaned loudly, cutting him off, "I know that you're not a human. Why does everyone keep reminding me? I know, I'm fucked up for falling for a robot. Thanks for the reminder," I retorted.

He looked hurt, "I didn't mean to upset you," he murmured before sitting back on the couch.

I scoffed, "Whatever, I'm leaving," I declared boldly.

Scott looked up at me sadly, "Please don't leave. I don't feel well," he choked out.

"Kevin said you'd be fine. I'll see you tomorrow," I countered before exiting the apartment.

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