day 1

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• raegans pov •

we kissed. it was amazing. it was one of those kisses that stole your breath and gave it right back to you in one swift movement. we pulled away and i felt my cheeks get warm. "oh no" i thought. "i'm blushing crap." i tried to hide it but he could tell i was blushing which made him blush and smile. "don't hide your blush." he said with a soft smile. "it looks cute when you blush." he said which made me blush even more. "thanks jonah." i smiled. shortly after the check came out, we were playfully fighting over who was paying but jonah really wanted to pay so i let him. we hopped back into his car and went back home. when we were about halfway to the why don't we house, i got a text from an unknown number. 

(unknown):  hey raegan, how are you feeling?

raegan❣️:  i'm sorry but who is this?

(unknown): oh sorry, it's jack. daniel gave me your number. i just wanted to see how you were doing after everything.

raegan❣️:  aww thx. i'm doing a lot better actually

top ramen 🥀: ok, that's good.

raegan❣️:  yeah :) we'll be home in 10.

top ramen 🥀:  ok see you then. 

• raegans pov •

 when we got to the house, i opened my door and  said "i had a really great time thanks again." he just wrapped his arm around me and unlocked the door. when we stepped in the door we were immediately greeted by the boys. daniel ran up to me first and almost knocked me down, pulling me away from jonah. i looked over my shoulder to see jack raising his eyebrows, while looking at me, then jonah, then me again, then jonah again repeatedly. "i was worried about you sis." he flabbergasted. "i'm doing good now." i replied. "good." he softly said. i went upstairs and realized it was almost 2:30. "i need to post, it's saturday." i thought. i went downstairs to ask daniel if i could use his computer to edit and upload, and of course he said yes. i finished editing and was just waiting for the video to upload. while i was i decided i was bored and i've not done anything crazy today like usual so i wanted to have a war with rubber swords around the house. i like anything that gives me an excuse to chase people around and hit them with rubber. i went downstairs and told daniel i wanted to go to target to get stuff. he agreed and jack and zach went with us. when we arrived to target i started jumping around in the carts and screaming. i also took one of those ginormous yoga balls and started bouncing around in it. i honestly didn't care that people were staring at me. i had fun and that's all that matters. jack and daniel were talking about something while zach came and joined me he pushed me around the store full speed in a shopping cart. when i escapes the cart i started running around yelling, "you can't get me! na na na na boo boo!" he caught up to me and through me over his shoulders still running around as i was yelling. he put me down and we started laughing so hard we fell to the floor. jack and daniel came back over to meet us and saw us crying with laughter. so they started chuckling as well. that's when the manager came over and kicked us out. we hadn't even gotten anything at that target so we went to another one but this time daniel made sure i wasn't running around and screaming. we got our stuff and went back home. when we got home we prepared for the sword fight. we ran around the house slapping each other with the swords we had gotten and to be honest, it was so much fun. i started sprinting towards the stairs when i heard jonah following me, so i ran faster. he eventually caught up with me. he grabbed me by the waist and ran down the stairs with me in his arms. he set me down and i sprinted towards the couch and hid in a big, fluffy, blanket. he ran after me and jumped on the couch cuddling me. i enjoyed the warmth. the rest of the boys styled down too. me and jonah  just say there for a while as i rested my head on his shoulder, then he rested his head on my head. we were enjoying it until jack started taking pictures of us, which startled jonah. i mouthed to jack send them to me. 

later that day

jack sent the pic to me and i thought it was super cute so i decided to post it on instagram

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liked by @seaveydaniel, @jackaverymusic, @jonahmarais, +237,893 more

view more comments 

@corbynbesson is that jonah?

@raegan.seavey maybe.. @corbynbesson 

@imzachherron i ship it ^^^

@jackaveymusic where's my picture credits? 

@delaney_skye who's this? you guys are cute 😏

@raegan.seavey shut up 🙄😂 @delaney_skye

• jonahs pov • 

she fell asleep in my arms so i picked her up and took her to her room. i went back to my room, layed down, and thought "wow. what a crazy day." " i just met raegan but she is funny, outgoing, kind, and don't forget absolutely stunning, but that doesn't define a person." i said once again in my head. i'm so happy she came and i'm even more happy that she's coming on tour with us. i fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

a/n so there might be some grammar mistakes in this but just ignore them because i usually check these before i publish them, but it's late at night and i'm tired so i don't feel like checking it. i hope you have a great day/night and tell me do you ship jeagan? 😏😉 mkay now bye bye

also i really want a smoothie. i have a really wierd craving right now for a smoothie and fruit. idk why i'm just random like that 

ok ✌🏼

word count: 1032

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