"i love you too"💓

30 6 7

a/n: i decided to space these sentences out more than i have. hopefully it looks nicer. xoxo -alexis

• raegans pov •

i was woken up to the sound of sizzling bacon. i went downstairs to see that jack was cooking eggs and bacon. 

"does a different person cook everyday?" i said surprised. 

"yeah pretty much." he replies. "but i don't think zach just getting bagels for everyone is called cooking."

"ha, i love bagels though." i chuckled.

"can you do me a favor?" he asked.

"sure what is it?" i told him.

"can you go wake the boys up?" he said.

a smirk appeared on my face. "of course." i said.

i ran upstairs and first went into jack and daniels room, but only daniel was sleeping. i jumped on his bed yelling "GOOD MORNING!!" he sat up and rubbed his eyes with his hands. "good morning." he said, not one but surprised of my entrance.

next i went to zach, corbyn, and jonahs room. corbyn was awake so i whispered to him, "can you help me wake up jonah and zach for breakfast?" 

"of course i can." he said.

we got some water and poured it over zach and jonah. he woke up and gasped. "raegan! corbyn! that is not a nice way to wake someone up!" he said dramatically. "come give me a hug!" he said soaking wet. he ran behind a screaming me and gave me a big hug. 

"noooo!" i yelled. "now i'm all wet!" i whined. 

"that totally backfired." i said to corbyn

"not for me." he said laughing.

we went downstairs, ate breakfast, got ready, then drove to some place in LA. i honestly hate surprises but i was excited about this one. daniel said we are going to go somewhere i love so i hope i can keep his word on that. we arrived and we were at a bowling alley. 

"ooooh!" i said. "this is gonna be so fun when i beat you all!" 

"in not so sure about that." jonah said.

"i am." i chuckled.

we started playing and let's just say we were all terrible but it was hilarious and fun. the boys kept making awful jokes the whole time and none of us could get more than 7 bowling pins down.

score halfway through the game:

1st place - jack

2nd place - corbyn 

3rd place - jonah

4th place - raegan

5th place - zach

6th place - daniel

i kept laughing at daniel for losing, and he was fake pouting. at the end of the game the scores were like this now-







yes i was in 4th, but the whole time i was just trying to beat jonah because we kept teasing each other, and i was successful. we went to eat and went back home after that. it was another fun day. that night we watched a horror movie. i personally hate scary movies but they said it would be good so i was down. every once in a while i would squeal from a scare, and either jump into jonahs arms and hide myself in a blanket for a while, or cover my eyes with my hands. i fell asleep with my head on jonahs chest. i had good dreams that night and was happy with my current situation.

i woke up and saw jonahs eyes closed i thought he was asleep so without even thinking, i whispered, "i love you."

he opened his eyes and said, "love you too."

my cheeks went pink. "omg i'm sorry i thought you were asleep i-".

"it's ok reagan i meant it." he said softly. he wrapped his arm around me and snuggled me close. "i can't wait to spend two and a half months with them"! i thought.

authors note: heyyyyyy guyssssss. it's 6:30 am if your wondering! if your reading this on the day that i post then happy #DTT (dolan twins tuesday) i'm so excited because it's a week from halloween!! ok well i get hype about the holidays so ignore me. i was gonna say something else but i just forgot what i was about to say smh.

ALEXIS IS OUT *drops mic made out of pineapple pizza while burning her bagels in the toaster*

original word count: 666 (i guess the devil took over me lmao)

edited word count: 704 :) (that's a lot more)

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