Chapter 1: '63 Cadillac

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Dean's POV

Propping my feet up on the table, I open up my laptop and begin to look for a case. I scroll through a lot of nothing before something catches my eye. A case in Webster City, Iowa. It sounds like a small werewolf case, but it's something about the town that makes me stop and think. I'm not sure why, but the town sounds familiar. I might have worked a case there before. Suddenly, I remember.

Seventeen years ago, before Sam and I were hunting together, I was alone working a werewolf case in Webster City. I remember meeting and saving one of the local college girls and later hooking up with her. I smile at the memory before wondering why the werewolves are back.

"Good news Sammy," I say as Sam enters the room. "I think I found a case. Webster City, Iowa, a local businessman was found in an alley with his heart ripped out. Locals are saying it's an animal attack."

"You thinking werewolf?" he asks as he sits down.

"Exactly. We should go check it out. It shouldn't take too long. Maybe after I can visit an old friend."

"What old friend do you have that's not dead?" he asks, and I glare at him. Though, he's not wrong.

"I worked another werewolf case there a while back. The wolf was attacking college students, and I hooked up with a girl after saving her," I explain, trying to keep a smug look off my face.

"You're not hoping to hook up with her again are you?" Sam asks, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

Defensively, I ask, "What?"

"How long ago was this? You do realize she's probably married and has kids by now."

"You don't know that."

"Well, she's not going to wait around for her knight in shining in armor who saved her from the big bad wolf to finally come back for her after how many years?"

"Ahh I think 17 years," I say.

"Exactly," he says.

"Whatever, girl or not, we're going. It's our job, Sammy. Go pack a bag we hit the road in an hour."


By the time we arrive in Webster City, there's already been another death. This time it was a teacher, the same age as the first victim. Now, we're on our way to the police station to talk to the sheriff.

"So are you going to go see your girl?" Sam asks as we pull into the parking lot.

"Probably not, I don't even know where she lives," I say and get out of Baby.

"Sure that's the only reason," he teases as we walk up to the station.

"Unless this thing goes after her, I don't have a reason," I say as I open the door to the station. "Agent Rose and Agent Sully, we're here about the recent deaths."

"Sheriff Adams. Not sure why you're here about animal attacks, but I suppose we can use all the help we can get," says the sheriff. Adams. Why does that sound familiar?

Sam pipes in, "Any connections between the victims?" 

"Uhh yeah, they both graduated from the college here. The same year too, but other than that, nothing."

"What year did they graduate?" I ask.

"2003, year my daughter graduated," the sheriff says. I then remember why his name sounded familiar, Caitlin Adams is the name of the girl I saved.

"Does your daughter still live town?" I ask.

The sheriff nods his head. "Yeah, she still lives here. Not many of the other graduates still live here. There was a series of animal attacks when they were in college. Most of them left after that or as soon as they graduated."

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