Chapter 18: Pain

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-Dean's POV-

"What?" I ask. How does Lucifer know about Emily? Does he have Emily? Where is she? Is she safe? The questions burn through my mind. "Where is she?" I ask.

Lucifer smiles, knowing he got to me. He knows my weak spot, and it's family. "Don't worry your daughter is perfectly fine, so long as you agree to my terms. I want my son. Now, where is he?"

I try to fight Lucifer's hold on us, but I can't. Where is Rowena? I know we can't give up Jack, but I don't care. I'd do anything to protect Emily. Suddenly, the hold on us is lifted off of us as Rowena steps out of her hiding place, and Lucifer's smile gets even bigger. "Hey, Red," he says as she approaches.

Rowena ignores what he said and says a spell, a holding spell so he can't move. Lucifer may have some power, but he's still not back to full strength. He looks surprised at her power as she walks up to him with a stone cold face, and with no words she whips out a dagger and knicks his throat, revealing his grace. 

She pulls out a bottle and collects his grace. Then, she closes the bottle and tucks it away. She turns back around to us as Lucifer is still stunned. "Boys, the handcuffs," she reminds us and Sam gets out the Enochian handcuffs and cuffs Lucifer. He tries to fight back, but Rowena puts another holding spell on him.

"Well, that was easier than I thought," Sam says after he put Lucifer in the trunk.

"Yeah, but he still has Emily. We can't throw him in the other world until we get Emily back," I tell him.

Rowena walks up to us, with Ailith following behind. "Well, that was fun," Rowena says with a smile.

"Where'd you put his grace?" Sam asks.

She gives a reassuring smile. "Nowhere you need to know. I was the one who got it. I get to keep it."

"Rowena," Sam starts.

"No, it's mine," she says and snaps her fingers, and is gone.

Ailith sighs and looks at us. "What do you need it for anyway?"

"Well do you want her to have it?" I ask.

Ailith ponders what I said. "No. I'll see if I can get it. In the meantime, I got to get back to Hell and figure out who I need to kill."

"No, in the meantime, you need to help us find Emily and help us figure out what to do with Lucifer," I say.

"I care about Emily, I do, and I want to help you find her, and I will, but I have my priorities. Right now, my number one priority is finding out who's loyal, so I don't lose my throne," she says and snaps her fingers and is gone in the blink of an eye.

"Dammit," I say. "There's no way to get Lucifer to talk. How are we ever going to find her?"

"We don't even know she's missing yet. He could have been bluffing," Sam says.

"Let's hope so," I say and get in the Impala and speed off towards the bunker.

-Emily's POV-

When I wake up, I'm hanging from my wrists which are bound in tight chains and my feet dangle off the ground tied together. The room is dark and damp. There's a faint, flickering light hanging in front of me and mold growing on the walls of my room. I look around and see a small vent near the ceiling. I try to call on my powers to get me out, but I can't. It's like there's a void in my chest, and I can't fill it.

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