Chapter 3: Pinky Promise

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-Emily's POV-

Halestorm's 'Mz. Hyde' is blasting over my car's speaker. This song always makes me feel like a badass and makes me pumped up. I pull into the empty field near the old red barn where I saw Sam and Dean. I shut off the car and grab my bag and pull out my gun and knife.

I get out and put up my hood and start to walk towards the barn. I see their car and walk over to it, only to see blood smeared on the window. Starting to panic, I nervously walk a little further and see a body that looks like it's been stabbed, laying in some tall weeds not too far from their car.

There's a silver knife sticking out of his chest, and I realize that it must be a werewolf. He looks human, there's no claws or anything. Shuddering, I pull the knife out of his chest and wipe the blood on my pants and walk towards the barn, hearing faint voices from inside.

Before going in, I scout out the area, slowly and cautiously walking around the barn making sure there are no more wolves outside. As I look around, I see a small, dirty, broken window on the side of the barn and peer in.

Inside, I see Sam tied up to some old pole in the barn, unconscious. I then see Dean, also unconscious, being tied up with six other people, werewolves, watching. I focus on the ropes and untie Dean's from where I'm standing. I watch as the werewolf stares at the rope in confusion before trying again, but I keep untying them.

"Justin, dude, what's taking so long," says a tall, and strong looking werewolf looking annoyed.

The wolf tying up Dean, Justin, says, "I don't know. I can't seem to make the knot stay."

"Here let me do it," says the big guy walking over and taking over the ropes, as I untie them again. "What the fuck," he exclaims, frustrated as he tries again. "I did this knot on Rapunzel over there and it worked," he says as he nods to Sam.

"You two are idiots," says a small blonde, as she walks over and tries to tie it, but I just untie it again. She huffs and tries again, failing. "I tie it, then it's liking something's pulling on it, untying it."

"What if something's messing with us," say's the big one. While they argue about what's going on I focus on untying Sam, once he's free I sneak around to the back of the barn and crawl in through a hole, making sure I'm hidden by an old tractor that was being used to tie up Dean.

All of sudden, I see Sam wake up, he keeps quiet as he realizes what's going on. I see him reach for his gun, but it looks like he can't find it, the wolves must have taken it. I take my gun out and slightly levitate it towards Sam, making sure the werewolves don't notice and set it down a foot away from Sam. After a while, he sees it and picks it up, confusion clouding his face.

Sam picks up the gun anyways and points it at the still arguing werewolves, then one of them, a tall girl with long black hair, notices Sam. "Hey!" she shouts at her friends, pointing at Sam and they all turn to look as he fires.

The bullet hits one of them in the chest and he instantly falls over and dies. All of them grow long, dark, fingernails, that must be their claws, and long sharp canines and their eyes start to glow. So that's what a werewolf looks like. Sam shoots again and hits the big one in the shoulder and he growls, snapping his teeth, but doesn't die.

With all their attention on Sam, who keeps firing gunshots, I crawl out from my hiding place and go to Dean, shaking him, hoping he wakes up. I smack him in the head, and he instantly wakes up, before he can say anything I put my hand around his mouth.

He turns to look at me, his eyes widening. I put a finger up to my lip, to show him to stay quiet and remove my hand from his mouth. He stays quiet and I hand him the silver knife that I took earlier. Dean stands up, looks back at me and then attacks the small blonde wolf.

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