Chapter 19: A Dying Wish

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-Emily's POV-

When Jason dodges my blade and it goes into Aida's chest, my heart drops. "No!" I cry out, and I catch Aida before she falls and hold her in my arms and slowly watch the light fade out of her eyes. "I'm sorry, Aida," I say as tears fill my eyes. "I love you."

Aida tries to smile, but she can't. "I love you too, Em," she says in a hoarse voice.

"I'm going to save you," I tell her. I pull on all of the strings inside me to try to heal her, but the warding's too strong. No matter how hard I try, nothing works.

"It's okay, Em," she whispers, tears glistening in her eyes. "Get out of here. Save the others in here. Keep fighting." She holds her pinky out, just like we used to when we were kids. "Promise?"

"Promise," I whisper and lock our pinkies. I can see Aida dying. I know she's going to die, but I refuse to believe it. "No, you're going to get out of here. You're going to be safe."

She shakes her head as much as she can. "No, I'm not, but thank you. Thank you for making my life great. I love you, Em," she struggles to talk.

"Shh, don't talk," I whisper and hold her closer. Aida dies in my arms. I kiss her on her forehead and gently lay her dead body down and turn around to where Jason is standing. He looks up at me, and for the first time, I see the fear in his eyes. I get up and rush towards him.

He sees me rushing towards him and dodges my attack. I don't care how much pain I'm in. I'm going to kill Jason. Letting out a scream, I jump and tackle Jason, and I punch him. I pound on him over and over again until my fists bleed and his face is swollen. I know my blows aren't going to kill him, only silver will, but it feels so good to let out all this anger.

"It's your fault," I sob as I give him one last hit. "It's your fault she's dead." Standing up, I wipe away my tears and drag Jason's limp body to the ground. "And you're damn well going to suffer," I warn him. Searching his body, I find his keys, and I drag him over to the chains. 

I bind him to the same chains he had tied Aida up with mere hours before. Jason looks up at me and tries to say something, but I can't understand what he says as blood spurts out of his mouth. "Rot in Hell," I say and slam my foot onto his head, making him pass out.

Glancing over at Aida's body, I realize I can't leave her here. I'm going to have to take her with me when I get out of here. She deserves a proper funeral. As I walk over to her body, I wipe away tears that fill in my eye and pick her up. 

Taking Aida over to the cell where I was, I prop her body up against the wall and tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. More tears come to my eyes as I brush the sweaty and bloody hair that was clung to her face away and cross her hands in her lap. Even in death, Aida looks gorgeous. I give her one last final kiss, and I stand up and set off to achieve Aida's dying wish.

-Dean's POV-

When we get back to the bunker, I find that Emily's car is gone. Then, the panic really sets in. I enter the bunker and call out. "Emily!" I shout, when I get no answer, I try again. "Emily!" I search the entire bunker, and I can't find her. "She's not here, Sammy," I say to Sam when I realize she really is gone.

"Relax, Dean. She's probably with Aida," Sam tries to explain.

I shake my head. "No, she would have told us." I try calling her, even though I already called her what feels like a thousand times in the car. "She's still not answering," I say, trying not to panic too much.

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