Chapter 4: Half Truths

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-Emily's POV-

When I wake up, I'm in Aida's arms, and the sunlight is seeping through her curtains. I roll over to see Aida still asleep, the light casting a golden glow on her and I smile at the sight. Smiling, I cuddle back into her arms, not caring what time it is. I hear my phone go off and check it. I have 11 missed calls and 23 texts from my mom. I'm dead. I check the latest text.

Mom: come home right now, we need to talk

Me: sorry, fell asleep at Aida's, I'll be home in 10 minutes

I crawl out of bed, trying not to wake Aida, but I fail as I hear her groan and turn to see her rub at her eyes. "Morning sleepy head," I smile as she opens her eyes and sits up. "I have to go home. My mom's mad, and Dean probably told her about last night, so they're going to want to talk."

"Your mom is going to kill you," she says with a tired smile as I put on my shoes and grab my clothes from last night.

I sigh. "I know," I walk over to her bed. "Hey, I know we missed school yesterday, but can you maybe be on standby in case something happens and I need you?"

"Of course, Em," she says, looking up at me with doughy eyes.

"Okay, I'll see you later," I say kissing her forehead, "love you."

"Love you too," she says as I walk out of her bedroom door. I walk downstairs knowing that her parents are already gone. I walk a couple of blocks to my car and throw my clothes in the backseat and get in, and start to drive home, awaiting whatever punishment is about to come.


When I get home I see the Impala in my driveway and sigh as I pull in. I park my car and get out, and grab my stuff from the backseat, and brace myself to go into the house. As soon as I open the door I hear my mom's angry voice.

"Emily Rose Adams! Where have you been?" my mom asks sternly.

"I told you. I was at Aida's and I fell asleep."

"Cut the bullshit. Sam and Dean told me what you really did last night," my mom says as she stands with her hands on her hips, and I see the brothers looking awkward as they sit in the living room.

"Well I did go to Aida's after that and fell asleep there, so I wasn't lying. Just only telling a half-truth," I try, and my mom just rolls her eyes.

"Why did you go out there after I told you it wasn't safe?" my mom asks, finally starting to calm down.

"I wanted to help," I explain, looking down.

My mom walks over and hugs me. "I'm sorry for yelling. I was just nervous and had no idea where you were. I'm glad you're safe," she says pulling away.

"I'm sorry Mom," I say. I don't really have an explanation that doesn't involve telling my mom about my vision, so I don't say anything. I sit down on the couch, near Dean as my mom sits down on the other couch by Sam.

"So Emily, Dean and I have been talking and we've decided that it's not safe for you here," she begins to explain as I look up at her, confused and scared.

Dean begins to explain. "Obviously you know what we do, and there could be demons, witches, werewolves, or anything trailing us.If they found out about you, who knows what they would do. So your mom and I thought it would be best if you stayed with Sam and I."

"For how long?" I ask, not wanting to leave Aida and my mom for a long time.

"We don't know, at least just until we know that you can defend yourself in case you were to come across a demon or something. We would teach you how to fight, hunt, track, and all the ins and outs of the supernatural world."

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