Chapter 16: Witches, Demons, and Angels

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-Dean's POV-

When Sam and I enter the bunker after our supply run, I smell bacon and hear Emily's laugh come from within the bunker. Half expecting to see Ailith, I'm surprised to see Jack sitting at the table, laughing and eating with Emily.

Emily looks up when she hears me enter and smiles. "You're back," she simply states. "Bacon?"  she asks and hands me a piece of bacon knowing that I never turn down bacon.

"Do you want some breakfast? We made eggs and bacon, oh and coffee," Jack asks as I sit down. I nod, and he rushes off towards the kitchen.

"Thanks," I mumble as Jack comes back with the food and sits down. "So how was your night?" I ask Emily as I take a sip of my coffee. Sam enters the bunker after hauling in the supplies from the Impala and sets them down on the floor and joins us at the table.

"Nothing special. Did some homework and watched some Netflix," she says and takes a bite of her eggs. 

Looking at Emily as she eats, I notice that she seems upset about something. Her normal happy way and witty humor seem to be absent today, and even though I heard her laughing with Jack, it didn't seem genuine.  Also, Ailith is usually here in the mornings, but she hasn't been around for the past couple of days. Even though I don't really like or trust her, I still wonder where she's at, so I decided to ask Emily.

Clearing my throat, I ask, "Hey, Em, do you know where Ailith has been the past couple of days? I haven't seen her in a while."

Something about Emily changes at the mention of Ailith's name. It looks like anger and a bit of sadness. She better not have done something to upset Emily. "Uh- no. I haven't heard from her since we left for the siren hunt. She's probably busy with demon work or whatever," she says, struggling to find words.

"Probably," I agree, and Emily drops her head and continues to eat her food, obviously not wanting to talk anymore. Based on the concerned look Sam gives me, I can tell he senses that something is wrong with Emily too.

She quickly finishes her meal and gets up and mumbles, "I'm going to get ready for school."

Once she's walked away and I'm sure she's in her room, I turn to Sam and ask, "Does she seem upset to you?"

Sam nods his head, and Jack chimes in. "She was sad last night."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She was crying. She wouldn't tell me why though," he explains. I ran my hands through my hair and take another sip of my coffee, worried about my daughter.

Suddenly, the door flies open, and I look up to see Cas standing there, looking distraught. "Cas, where were you?" I ask and stand up as he heads down the stairs.

"Lucifer," he says, "He's back."

"What do you mean he's back?" Sam asks, and I look back at Jack he seems confused, intrigued, and even a little scared.

"I'm not sure, but the angels are talking. They're saying that they heard him and that he's returned. I don't know how, but he's here. I can sense him," Cas explains.

"Lucifer," Jack repeats, "As in my father?"

The three of us all exchange glances before I say, "Yes, your father." Jack nods, still looking confused, but he always looks confused. I sit down with a heavy sigh. "What are we going to do? The cage didn't work last time, and apparently locking him in another world doesn't either. So what's the next plan?"

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