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-Dean's POV-

"I can't do it," Jack says, looking defeated. I sigh and look up at Sam. For the past hour, we've been having Jack try to open up a portal to another world so we can dump Lucifer, but he can't. All he's done is create tiny slivers of a portal that stay open for five seconds.

Sam stands up and pats Jack's shoulder. "It's okay. We'll figure something else out." Sam then looks at me. "Is Emily still out?"

I nod. "Yeah. I'm starting to get worried about her," I say. "She's been out for over four hours now."

"Do you know where she went?" Sam asks.

I shake my head. "No, she mentioned something about Aida's body, but I'm not sure. She might have gone home to see her mom and Aida's family."

"Do you want me to track her phone?" Sam asks, knowing that it will bring me comfort. I nod, and Sam heads over to his laptop. I peer over Sam's shoulder as he works, and I try not to appear too nervous. I look over at Jack who's still trying to open up a portal.

"Jack," I say and he stops and turns to me. "It's fine. Get some rest for now. We can try again later."

"Okay," he says and stops and walks over to the table and sits down next to Cas.

I look at Sam. "What'd you find?" 

Sam shakes his head and refreshes his laptop. "It says she's here." I look at Sam and then at his screen. 

I start walking toward's Emily's room, and Sam, Cas, and Jack all follow me. When I get to her room, I knock on her door, "Emily?" I ask. I knock again and get no response. Sam looks at me as I try to open the door and find that it's unlocked, and I push the door open and step in. "Emily?" I ask again as I enter her empty room. I look around and notice some of her stuff is gone.

Her knife and gun that she keeps on her bedside table are gone. The picture of her and Aida on her dresser is gone. The duffle bag that normally sits at the end of her bed is gone. I open her dresser drawers and find that most of her clothes are gone, and I look up at Sam with a panicked face. Where did she go?

"Dean," Cas says, and I look up at him to see him holding Emily's phone. "She left this and a note," he says, and I go over to the bed and see a note laying on it.

I pick it up and read it.

Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack

Thank you for all you've given me over the past three months that I've been here. It's truly been great. Cas, thank you for teaching me to do what I think is right and to learn from my mistakes. Jack, thank you for teaching me that I don't have to be what everyone wants or expects me to be. Sam, thank you for teaching me that revenge isn't good, no matter how good it looks or feels. Dean, thank you for being an amazing dad and for teaching me to never give up, no matter how impossible it seems because anything is possible. And thank guys for teaching me what family really is and to keep fighting for what's right. You four have taught me so much. Not just about hunting and the supernatural, but you've taught me so many amazing life lessons, and I will always be grateful for that. 

You guys are my family, and I thank you for that. My whole life, I've always felt like I've only ever had my mom and Aida, but now, I have you too. It feels so good to know that I have an amazing family that loves and supports me and to know that you guys will always be there for me. You four have not only taught me so much, but you brought me so much joy and happiness as well. I feel lucky to call you guys my family.

I'm sorry that I had to leave this way, without a proper goodbye, but it had to be this way. I need to do what's best for me and being on my own is the best thing for me. I need to be on my own, learn things myself, experience new things, and I can't do that with people always watching over my shoulder. I know that this might hurt you guys, and I'm sorry, but I was always going to hurt you in some way. Don't worry about me. I'll be safe. I know how to fend for myself. You guys taught me that. Again, thank you guys for everything and for being my family.

Love, Emily

P.S.  Don't think that you guys won't see me again.

I try to fight back the tears that threaten to spill over my eyes. I set down the letter and close my eyes. In my head, I see Emily. I see her bright smile and hear her joy-filled laughed. I see the brightness, as well as the darkness, in her multi-colored eyes. The images bring more tears to my eyes and a small smile on my face. 

"Dean," I hear Sam say, snapping me out of my trance. "What does it say?" he asks.

I clear my throat and hand him the letter. "It says that she's gone," I say and walk out of the room. Part of me wants to look for her, but another part of me wants her to be happy, and apparently, she's happy on her own. I head to my room and sit down on my bed and sigh. I know that this is for the best. Emily's happy this way, and I just need to accept it.


And that is the end of The Dawn of Emily Winchester. I hope you guys enjoyed the story, let me know. I'm thinking about writing a sequel, but I need more reads for that to happen and I want to know that you guys want it. I also have more ideas for other stories that I hope to write soon, so I don't know which I'd write first, but it'll probably be a while before I'd do either. I might be able to do both once I'm done with school, but I guess we'll see how that goes. Thank you guys for reading my story and please comment, share, and vote! Have a wonderful day!

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