Chapter 17: Heist

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-Emily's POV-

Ailith and I start walking towards the museum. With each step, I get more and more nervous about the plan. We've gone through our plan multiple times, but I'm still nervous. Glancing over at Ailith, I notice she doesn't seem the slightest bit nervous at all. I wish I could be, or at least look, as calm as her. She glances over at me and asks, "You sure you're ready?"

I nod. "I'm good, just a bit nervous."

"Your first heist, I'm assuming?" she asks.

"What is this? Your hundredth?" I tease.

"Sixty-fourth actually," she says, and I roll my eyes at her. "Don't be nervous. It's not that hard if you stick to the plan." I nod again, hoping to calm my nerves. Aly notices my nervousness and sighs. "Repeat the plan one more time."

I take a deep breath. "We teleport inside the museum, on opposite sides of the museum. We look around in all the displays, go into back rooms and make our way to the center where we'll meet. If we don't find it by then, the other person will sweep their side. If we still don't find it, we go home. If we do find it, we text each other immediately, grab it, and go home."

"Good, and if we see a security guard?" she asks.

"Knock 'em out," I repeat.

She nods and gives me a satisfied smirk. "See ya in there," she says, snaps her fingers, and she's off. Taking one last deep breath, I teleport into the museum.

The museum is dark, but there are streetlights cascading in through windows and small lights placed sparsely throughout the halls. We don't have to worry about security cameras because Aly said she'll handle it, whatever that means. I head off to find any private rooms that we couldn't go in during normal hours. After walking around for a little bit, I see a door that says, Employees Only, and decide to head in.

The room is dark, and as I enter the room, I realize we forgot flashlights. Aly probably fine because I'm pretty sure she can see in the dark. I turn on my phone flashlight and search for the artifact, and a light. I find a light switch right away and flip the lights on and the bright lights instantly shine, temporarily blinding me. 

Now that I can see, I can see that the room appears to be just a break room. Regardless, I look around anyway. There's a small table in the center of the room, that I nearly run into and a fridge to my right. I doubt the artifact's in here, but I still search. Not being able to find it, I shut off the lights and head back out, disappointed.

I don't find the next private room for a while, and I go in with confidence. This room looked promising at first because I saw a lot of paintings. Then I realized that it was nothing but paintings and pictures, there are no artifacts. I search the room top to bottom, but there's nothing but paintings and pictures. Disappointed, again, I leave the room.

The next couple of rooms are a bust. More break rooms, offices, mechanical rooms, or storages without the artifact in them. I'm almost to the meeting point with Ailith, and I haven't heard from her, so I'm starting to think it may not be here. I'm in my last room to check before I meet Ailith and it's another storage room, so maybe's it's in here.

Lurking around the room, I search for the artifact. Looking on shelves, in boxes, under things, any place it could possibly be. I'm starting to get frustrated, but suddenly, I hear a noise and realize it's a person. I still my breathing as I wait for the person to round the corner. I'm about to attack when I realize it's Ailith.

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